Sunday 19 June 2022

59 xenoblade - rescuing the bathing lady from ferocious volff

Dear Readers,

We went out for more questing. We hunted some bunnits in the northwest and some flamii as well near a pool of water. In the southwest we found the torn paper, which was well labelled on the minimap thank goodness!

We saw a waterfall and headed for it, remembering someone talking about a lady going there to wash separately from everyone. Suddenly this new quest came up where she was being attacked by 4 Ferocious Volff.

Well, she wasn't being attacked per se, but the four of them were standing on the shore and she couldn't get out. They looked big and intimidating alright. They weren't a very high level so we managed them handily. After we defeated them we talked to her. She wasn't in the nip but she was bathing. She said it was a good spot for it but she said she wouldn't come here on her own anymore. Then she went back to the camp by herself. Whew.

We explored the Volff lair and got some other bits and pieces. We also found moth crawlers out in the field in various places. Eventually we got the whole area west of the refugee camp explored.

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