Sunday 14 February 2016

1 Bravely Second - Demo Start, Exploring Al-Khampis, Meeting Magnolia

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the demo version of this game. This diary is becoming quite a lot about RPGs!

On starting the game, the Square Enix logo appears on the top screen and Silicon Studio's logo appears on the bottom screen at the same time and you can press a button to skip it. Thanks for doing this :)

Then, this thing about AR cards comes up. I can skip it if I want, but instead I head to the website indicated. This is the UK site, which says nothing about AR cards, so I head to the American website. It says that I can download the provided PDF file with the AR card images, or use the cards included with the packaged game. But hang on, this is from the prequel, Bravely Default. In that game's package, there is an AR Card printed on one side of the Quickstart guide.

So uh... ?

Let's move on. The title screen has a nice, heroic sounding theme. On starting, I can choose between Casual, Normal or Hard difficulty. I choose Casual. There's a nice autosave option too that saves on entering and exiting cities and dungeons and moving between dungeon floors among other things.

The game gives me a 3 potion bonus, a "Cavalier-in-Training Set".

Yew Geneolgia shows up with two other guys in a town called Al-Khampis and they have voiced dialogue. That's us! We are The Three Cavaliers of the Crystalguard. Yew seems like the earnest young heroic type; Nikolai Nikolanikov is a bigger older guy with a beard and a nice deep voice; Janne Angard seems the same age as Yew but he has a bit more of an attitude. They're possibly friendly rivals. The music here is a nice and twee first town theme. We're talking to Pope Agnès Oblige through a pendant. She appears on the other screen. She tells us about strange things happening around the Temple of Wind and that we're to investigate and meet a guide.

We can talk to her anytime through this pendant like some kind of codec call for guidance. She appears on the touch screen when I go into the pause menu. Her head turns to wherever you tap! That's cute :)

Anyway, it's time for mingling in Al-Khampis! The guy next to us with the pointy hat tells us about the two ways in and out of this town. His way goes to the coast and his brother's way leads to the desert. Another pointy hat wearer tells us about this town, the land of learning. It's very pretty here actually and looks like a pop-up book. The person in red here gives us the option to save our game. I turn on the StreetPass settings here and save the game. I go into the inn, which shows up as a menu rather than a building to explore. It has a nice and upbeat jazzy tune playing! The lady outside tells us about the dormitories nearby. She recognises Yew and Janne. They must've lived here before. We continue into the dormitory.

The pig here prompts us with an "Oink? Oink?", giving a choice of Yes or No. This pig is a tutorial pig! We can access various tutorials here, including the Bravely Second battle mechanic. I'll learn about this later. The dorm mother here recognises us from when Yew and Janne were here before they graduated. The man by the fire tells us about scrolls and magic. They can be bought at shops and we only need one for our party to learn spells. The next room upstairs has someone in yellow. They say that we look like freelancers and that we'll have to wait for the full version of the game to see the various outfits of the other jobs. At the top of the stairs on the balcony I find the Silver Glasses.

Back outside, we check the item shop. It has the same music as the inn. The lady outside loves rumours and wants us to tell her any. The man nearby tells us about play bonuses. He has an unusual accent. Seems Scottish from the look of the dialogue. There's a weapon and armour shop here. There's also the man standing by the north gate, whose brother we met at the start. On the bridge there's a bearded man admiring the view. He says it's the best spot in town for doing so. On the other side there's a magic shop. Further along is the Spire of Learning. The man outside says it's closed during the Summer. He feels bad for turning us away, so he gives us a Phoenix Down.

After this, the Party Chat option pops up. Pressing Y, the characters heads appear and they talk amongst themselves. Yew and Janne talk about their memories of studying here. Janne tells Nikolai about the time Yew climbed to the top of the spire despite his fear of heights and got stuck up there. Janne had to save him. They talk about the amazing view of all the desert they had from up there. I guess we'll explore that soon enough! We head back to the centre of town to wait for our guide.

She appears and introduces herself! Her name is Magnolia Arch. She uses French words in her dialogue. She has long pretty white hair with bangs and red eyes. Fetching get up too which has hearts flutter out of it when she appears onscreen with a wink. We all have our backs to her! Janne says not to make eye contact and she protests "excusez-moi!". Yew and Janne have trouble believing she is our guide, but Nikolai says there must be some truth in it, since she knows who we are. We all introduce ourselves and she says "Enchantée".

She suggests more mingling and so, off we go. After a few weird seconds of no one onscreen, the real guide shows up! A girl with a pointy hat and glasses introduces herself, but there's no one here now! The poor girl overslept and missed out!

A tutorial for job changing appears. I'll do this later.

Party Chat: "Al-Khampis is a mess"

We ask about any problems going on here. Magnolia tells us about some overly spicy kebab she had recently. She wasn't able to pay and had to wash dishes for ages. While washing dishes though, she heard about a curious sandstorm in the desert that spins in one place and never moves. Nikolai says it's worth asking people in town about it. Magnolia says she wants to find information on getting a discount on kebabs, but Janne disagrees.

I'm with him on this one... I've never been fond of donor kebab meat...

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