Monday 1 February 2016

2 Final Fantasy Explorers - Cross Region Online Play, First Online Session, Red Dragon, Adamantoise, Cockatrice

Dear Readers,

I'm finally able to confirm that I can play this game online with players from other regions! In this session, I played with a friend over in the U.S. The game was released a bit sooner over there so they're a lot more advanced than I am. Today, I'll talk about more of the first few quests and what multi-player is like.

It's very easy to connect with other players and I found the action gameplay quite smooth in this session. We did have one disconnect and that meant I had to quit the quest and start and try again. You have to pay gil in order to take on quests too, so you risk losing money. Another mistake I made was to leave the town before they were ready, meaning I had to quit the quest again and pay another fee to take it on. So hey, it's not without some teething issues for me!

I just have to make sure in future that the message "Finished quest preparations" from my partners comes up before I embark.

There's in-game chat, but it's preset messages.

Before I started any more quests, I decided to actually equip something. The last quest took forever without having any weapon. I'm a Monk, so I buy and equip some Metal Knuckles.

We do the "Help the Shopgirl!" quest. The task is to defeat 5 toads. It's in the Leggi Plains, a narrow area off to the west. It still takes me a while to defeat enemies, but my partner is so far ahead they can beat them in one hit. It doesn't take long at all. At least I can do more damage now anyway.

Next is the "Keep Getting Items" quest, where we have to obtain 20 items. My partner's collecting of items counts towards the total as well. On top of that, we each get the same share of spoils when we defeat enemies, so this is achieved twice as fast.

After this, there aren't any quests left, so I have to mingle with people in the town. I meet a lady named Claire Thule from the Lillium Kingdom. She tells me about a red dragon that's been causing trouble and the quest becomes available.

We start the "Red Dragon Run Amok" quest. For this, we head east through a cave towards the Hibat Foothills to take on the red dragon. My partner helps me make short work of this big boss creature as well and does lots of stat boosting stuff I'm not used to understanding yet.

On completing this, Cid gives me more quests and subquests become unlocked. A travelling Moogle merchant appears in the town for a time, so I go visit him. I buy a phoenix down from him for 5 Play Coins. I really like that I can use these in the game to buy stuff!

The Moogles have a cute voice sample that goes "Kupo!" when you talk to them. I didn't always like Moogles in this series, but I do now. I'll have to tell that story sometime.

Subquest time! They're different from normal ones. I can take on loads of them at once. I also learn that I can't go out with other players unless I take on a main quest as well. When I select "Deliver Iron Scraps" and "Deliver Potions", I find that they're complete already since I have enough potions and scraps. I cash in and pick a few more, "Reach 100 Resonance" and "Deliver Hardened Bones".

The next quest is "Call It Market Research". We have to defeat any 20 monsters and use 1 Crystal Surge. For this I decided to learn a new ability, as my only ability, "Boost" doesn't increase Resonance fast enough. I need over 100 to gain access to Crystal Surges. I go to the crystal in the centre of town and learn "Explosive Fist". We head out, defeating random enemies in Leggi Steppe and Leggi Plains. I can defeat enemies quicker now, but I still can't one shot them like my partner can! I use a couple of Crystal Surges, not fully understanding all the extra moves I can do, but I will in time.

Our next quest is "The Legendary Ore", where we have to defeat an adamantoise. I remember these turtle-like creatures from Final Fantasy III. My partner has the ability to turn into Squall from Final Fantasy VIII. For this, we head to the beach and take it on. It doesn't take too long, thanks to the help I have!

I like the beach by the way. There's also some mysterious looking structure out towards sea. It'll be explored later I suppose. :)

After this, I have to mingle again for one last quest. I get one from Rosaria, the girl next to the airship. She has kind of a grumpy tone, but she works well with us.

The quest we take on is "Airship Permit Exam", where we have to defeat a cockatrice at Lake Filouz. I don't know where this place is, so I let my partner lead the way. There's a general red spot flashing on the map, but my partner has it explored and mapped, so I let them take the lead. We go through a shady wooded area and arrive at this secluded area. It's peaceful, apart from the creature we have to fight. We don't have too much trouble with this boss either. It petrifies us into rocks at one point, but we pull through and defeat it.

On completing this quest, I'm now able to use the airship! I'll have a look at it another time. For now though, this was a good session!

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