Wednesday 17 February 2016

8 Final Fantasy Explorers - Some 4 Star Quests Online, The Truth Behind Crystals

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about a short online session I had with my American friend, where we did some 4 star quests. We didn't have any random players joining us this time. Just a private session with the two of us wandering and exploring Amostra. There's also a bit of exposition on the state of the crystals and the world that I learn while mingling in Libertas.

Quest 1: "Requiem for the Seeker"

Defeat 5 Spectres. Jailune Sandsea cave. I quite like this cave. I see Tonberries in here sometimes. I like the way the ceiling is really dark and the ground is really bright. For some reason I feel like I'm inside a giant sea creature while I'm in here. Anyway, we got our 5 Spectres and left.

Quest 2: "Drive Out the Unclean!"

Defeat 5 Belials. Makvo Current. Belials and other creatures of its kind are these intimidating gargoyle looking creatures, but they seem quite content to let you run past them without interfering. Their cohorts, the Alraune Mandragoras are much smaller and cuter, but aren't as placid. Like before, we went at our own gentle pace, defeated our 5 and left.

Quest 3: "The Ice Queen's Waterfall Waltz"

Defeat Shiva. Maxon Cataract. She's much more powerful this time and she KO'd me more than once. My friend was trying to keep up between reviving me and attacking Shiva at the same time. I was able to see the Tifa Magicite in action! I want that Magicite! Makes sense, seeing how I'm a Monk and all! We managed to defeat her anyway and it was great fun!

After this, my friend had to turn in for the night, so I thought I'd go around town and mingle. Claire told me about the Donnyglen airship and how its wreckage was found. She asked me if I would retrieve the Lillium Sceptre from within. Then, when I talked to Surama, she told me that the eidolon Amaterasu is guarding that area. She then told me about the whole situation, on why the eidolons are getting stronger. She said the planet summons eidolons to look after the crystals. Humans are using crystals to advance civilisation and it's causing a strain, which in turn causes the eidolons to attack. She then said that if humans didn't use the crystals to advance civilisation, they would just be in their natural animal state. After this, she left me to deal with this situation, whatever it is my choice will be. It's interesting how she discussed all the sides in this conflicted situation.

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