Friday 5 February 2016

1 Gradius (NES) - Button Holding Strategy, First Level

Dear Readers,

I am obsessed with Konami's Gradius! I beat the NES version before, but used a joystick with a turbo fire option on the Wii U Virtual Console. I often get the urge to play the Virtual Console version on 3DS, but there's no turbo fire option and I hate pressing buttons rapidly! I'm trying to come up with a button holding strategy. You keep firing shots when you hold the button, but they don't come out as quickly.

I've come up with a strategy for the first level at least. I got somewhat used to whatever enemy patterns are happening, so I don't bother with any speed ups. Speaking of power ups, I've resolved to learn them off by heart and count in my head to what power up is highlighted, so I don't have to look at the bottom of the screen and away from the action.


This I'm trying to keep in my head for this game! I like to start off with a shield, then the two options, then laser. If I die somewhere along the way, I still prioritise the shield.

At the moment, I think the best spot to deal with the volcanoes at the end is to the bottom right of the screen and just hang out there with a shield and maybe some options. That way, I don't crash into any mountains when the screen starts scrolling again.

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