Friday 19 February 2016

9 Final Fantasy Explorers - Online With More American Friends! Amaterasu and Surama, Cataclysms, Giant Summons

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about more of our friends from overseas joining us on our explorations. Up until now I had mostly been playing with Joseph. The more the merrier!

Joe changed jobs from White Mage to Beastmaster. He swapped the white and red-triangled cloak for a cool looking get up with horns as headgear, kind of like Ico. With this job, he can bring monsters along to fight on our team. He's at EL 99 at this stage and still way ahead of me.

I activated StreetPass on the game recently and got a couple of hits. I haven't really done anything with it yet though. I should at some stage.

Joe wanted to catch the rarer Black and White Chocobos, so we went to Mount Hibat.

Quest 1: "Black or White"

Defeat Phoenix. Mount Hibat Summit. The description for this quest tells of rare Chocobos and selecting it is a guaranteed way to find them. With Joe's help, we retrieved the atmaliths for both Black and White Chocobos in no time at all. When we fought the Phoenix, I was able to activate my Magicite twice, but couldn't manage to do the Crystal Surge at all. We defeated it anyway.

Just before we went on the next quest, our friend GDG(EL 36 Knight) came online! He was wearing Sephiroth's Attire. He was slightly behind, so we did some 3 star quests together.

Quest 2: "Wipe Out the Magitroops"

Defeat 5 Centaurions and 5 Black Knights. Fosta Forest. Joe had a Centaurion as one of his trained beasts. It was a bit surreal seeing it fight alongside us! This quest was good for me to do actually, because the last time we played it, it was with random players and they had defeated the Black Knights before I even saw any.

After some mingling, GDG got another quest.

Quest 3: "Guardian of the Sacred Tree"

Defeat Alexander and obtain a Woll droplet. GDG headed the wrong way and Joe went to help him come back. Meanwhile, I stayed in the marsh and waited for them in the rain!

We got to Alexander eventually and defeated him. I didn't manage to encase him this time. It's pretty fun to run around on the roots of that big tree for some reason!

Quest 4: "Aptitude Exam: Ninja & Bard"

Defeat 1 Yellow Dragon. Maxon Ravine. This one went very quickly! The Yellow Dragon was right there when we started and didn't take long to defeat at all.

Quest 5: "It's Gonna Blow!"

Defeat 1 Mom Bomb. Hibat Foothills. The Mom Bomb took a little longer to defeat and it was great fun.

After this, GDG had to leave. A random player(EL98 Ninja) appeared and then disappeared.

Joe and I went on to do more quests.

Quest 6: "Bolt of Surging Fury"

Defeat Ramuh and use 3 Crystal Surges. Dell'antoni Bluffs. Did the Crystal Surges but that battle was tough enough! I had to do 4 clock revivals before we defeated him!

Quest 7: "Guidance from Above"

Defeat Amaterasu. Wreck of the Donnyglen. It's not Okami! That's a different game :) A new area opened up in Hibat Caverns for me and lots of Tonberries are along this path. This was great because I'd been looking for Magic Sources! While fighting them, this unusual Crystal Surge popped up in my list called "Summon T. King". This could've had something to do with Elvis for all I knew. When I activated it, this enormous Tonberry with a crown appeared! It was a fun battle with him!

When we arrived at the Donnyglen, we met Surama and she revealed herself to be Amaterasu! Dun dun duuuun! The fight with her wasn't the easiest, but manageable. She spoke more about the crystals and the protective eidolons while we fought.

After defeating her, Cid told me that Claire was overjoyed to get the Lillium Scepter back and that other explorers got super powerful. They were able to trigger cataclysmic events with their Crystal Surges. I'm able to do these now too.

After speaking with Cid, I took my Magic Sources to the Workshop and forged Cloud's Attire for myself! It looks a bit like the clothes Piccolo gave Gohan in Dragon Ball Z and made my long black-haired character look a bit like him. My character's a bit like a DBZ character, because he can do the Aura Cannon, which looks a bit like the Special Beam Cannon. There's also the Vacuum Wave, which warps me a short distance before doing a punch. A lot of DBZ characters dodge like this during fights.

Soltis gave me some subquests to demonstrate cataclysmic events. He wanted to see them in action!

Joe recommended doing one in the desert or on the beach. I picked the next quest for the desert, because it seemed kinda fun!

Quest 8: "Sirocco Succulent"

Defeat 15 Cactuars. Mirah Dunes, etc. Another very fun mission! It was a laugh running around the desert, hunting these little cactus thingies. It got even more fun when the Crystal Surge "Summon Gigantuar" appeared in my list and made a gigantic cactus thingy appear!

After we beat it, I did my first cataclysm, which came up in the Surge list as "CC: Yielding Sands". This made a tornado of sand appear. Joe beckoned me in. We found some bonus enemies to take on in here, including another Yellow Dragon.

When we came back to Libertas, we took a short break for snacks, going to the bathroom and plugging in my 3DS charger. Refreshed, we took on the next mission.

Quest 9: "Monarch of Hell"

Defeat 1 Devil. Hibat Caverns. Very quick and easy mission for us! Devils are like another variation of those gargoyle-like Demon enemies and a bit bigger.

I got to see a variety of Joe's monsters in action during this session. His Centaurion and Coeurl were pretty cool, as were the others!

Quest 10: "Invitation from a Twisted Sister"

Defeat Dryad and any 1 botanid. Fosta Gardens. Dryad's status effects aren't usually fun, but it was cool to end this battle with Cloud's Omnislash!

Back in town, Grauser told me about an eidolon on Mount Chaminil that attacked his army. It's Bahamut and Joe said he's pretty tough.

We'll take on Bahamut in a future session. For now, another one of our friends joined us! Bix (Knight EL 2). They were just starting out, so Joe and I joined them on their first few quests.

Bix was learning about the game, so they had a lot of fun spamming the preset chat messages and running around like they only just discovered they had legs. It was fun playing with the chatty Bix! :)

They were the earliest missions, so Joe put his monster buddies away, as we didn't need them.

Quest 11: "Defeat the Goblin Gang!"

Defeat 5 Goblins. Leggi Steppe etc. I tried not to kill the enemies too quickly so I could let Bix get a feel for the game.

Quest 12: "Help the Shopgirl!"

Defeat 5 Toads. Leggi Plains. Bix was horrified to see us killing Chocobos. I told them that Amostran Chocobos were jerks, as they'll kick you in the face and not think twice about it.

Quest 13: "Keep Getting Items"

Scavenge and obtain 20 items. Very quick quest due to the fact that there were three of us, so three times the pickups!

Quest 14: "Red Dragon Run Amok"

Defeat 1 Red Dragon. Hibat Foothills. Bix's first biggie but it was no biggie for our team.

Quest 15: "Call It Market Research"

Defeat any 20 monsters and use 1 Crystal Surge. We wound up on Tinze Shores during our monster kill spree. Bix didn't know how to do a Crystal Surge so Joe and I did some. He did the Sea Sunder cataclysm and made that path come out of the water. Bix wondered how it happened. When I started, I thought that defeating monsters or something made it happen!

Quest 16: "The Legendary Ore"

Defeat 1 Adamantoise. Tinze Shores. How approprite that we were talking about pizza and Ninja Turtles at the time! Anyway, we showed this mutant turtle some pizza time! (Though it's technically some kind of tortoise. Otherwise, it would be called "Adamanturtle" or something.)

Quest 17: "Airship Permit Exam"

Defeat 1 Cockatrice. Lake Filouz. Bix thought that a bird monster on the beach was the Cockatrice. Of course it wasn't though, because there was no boss theme accompanying it. The real one was a bigger version of it up ahead at the lake. We took care of it. Cloud's Omnislash came in handy again :)

Joe left the game at this stage. Things were winding down to the end of our session. Bix and I continued for a little bit longer.

Quest 18: "Requiem for the Departed"

Defeat 5 Skeletons. Debbis Trail, etc. We ran all the way from Libertas towards Debbis Trail in order to take on the skellies. I forgot that Bix could use the airship now! It was a long trek, so I didn't forget for the next one!

Quest 19: "Monster Lab Permit Exam"

Collect a Lizard's atmalith. Leggi Steppe etc. Again, I tried not to defeat the enemies too quickly and just did a very gentle saunter while Bix ran around. They were like a new puppy!

Quest 20: "What's With All These Monsters!?"

Defeat 5 Ghosts and 5 Mandragoras. Debbis Heights, Lake Filouz etc. I convinced Bix to take the airship this time! We defeated the monsters handily. This was a nice little trek in itself, even with the airship short cut.

Quest 21: "Insidious Blue Dragon"

Defeat 1 Blue Dragon. Debbis Heights. Blue biggie. Between the two of us, it wasn't so much of a biggie after.

We called it quits for the evening then. 21 Quests! Very long and fun session we all had! :)

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