Tuesday 16 February 2016

7 Final Fantasy Explorers - 10 Magic Sources Subquest, Some Game Hooks And Economics

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this one star subquest that wasn't that easy at all to do and how this game hooked me enough for day to turn into night.

I had the cap of 300 Play Coins again. I wanted to spend the daily allowance of 10, so I could replenish them the next day by walking 1000 steps in real life. If I didn't do this, I'd still have the 300 maximum, but I'd lose out on circulating 10 Play Coins and putting them to good use. I decided to spend them on Mogroe's Teleport Stones. They cost 2 Play Coins, and you can only buy one every time he appears in Libertas. Thing is, Mogroe appears only sometimes in town and you must go in and out of town on quests or roaming for the chance to make him appear again. On top of that, he's not even guaranteed to have Teleport Stones when you see him. There's about a 5 second loading time to go outside and a 5 second loading time, plus a 5 second saving time to come back in. So I thought, "Hey, might as well do a subquest!". I have to make at least 5 of these trips, so I might as well make them interesting.

There was this outstanding one star subquest about collecting Magic Sources. I read up and saw that they can be obtained from Tonberries, who can be found on Mount Hibat. The airship only goes as far as the Hibat Foothills and I have to climb all the way up the mountain from there. I have to do this on every trip.

Along the way, there are enemies like Bombs or Goblins so I thought "Might as well try to pass the Crystal Surge trigger subquests while I'm passing through!". So then I take on every single one of them, try to get the Resonance above 100 and wait on the luck of the draw for the desired Crystal Surges to appear. This takes more time.

On arriving on the Mount Hibat path, of which there are a few screens, Tonberries are scarce. Often, they don't appear at all and it could be a few screens up the mountain. This takes more time and multiple trips.

So when I get near the end of the path and not enough Tonberries with Magic Sources, I see that I can either go back, or take on the eidolon Phoenix again. It would take a trek like this to take on the Phoenix anyway and here it is right in front of me conveniently, so I think "Hey, might as well take on the Phoenix again!". This takes more time.

Before I knew it, my play session turned day into night. This originally started with wanting to spend 10 Play Coins, but then I started working on a subquest and then I started thinking about doing other subquests while doing this subquest. I killed the Phoenix twice. It comes back to life after every trip because hey, it's the Phoenix.

This is just one example of how games can hook you into them. When planning on doing one thing, you can get stuck on doing more things.

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