Thursday 4 February 2016

3 Final Fantasy Explorers - Using Airship; Unlocking Monster Lab and Magicite; Eidolons Ifrit, Dryak, Shiva & Ramuh; Progress To North Amostra

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about doing more quests in online play, unlocking the monster lab, finishing subquests and forging equipment.

I connected with my friend online over in the U.S. and did some more quests together. I learn that although you can only chat with preset messages, you can edit those messages. It's a nice thing.

The first was "Requiem for the Departed". Here we had to defeat 5 Skeletons in the Debbis Trail. They're easy enough to take care of, especially with the good help I had. Taking the airship there was very handy!

The second was "Monster Lab Permit Exam". This came about after Cid told me I was ready for it. We took the airship, but Leggi Steppe is only just outside! Ah well. Why not. After a Crystal Surge, my friend was able to one shot the Lizards and eventually we got their atmalith for the task.

I can use the Monster Lab now but I haven't done anything with it yet.

The third quest was "What's with All These Monsters!?". At Lake Filouz, we defeat the Mandragoras without any hassle. When we got to Debbis Heights, my friend had connection problems. It looked like he was running continually into an obstacle before he disappeared offline. I had to take on the 5 Ghosts myself. It took a good bit longer but I pulled it off :)

Debbis Heights is a new area for me. It has nice music and cool rock formations. They look like giant harbour bollards. Cactuars are here too, so that's a nice thing to see.

My friend continued to have connection problems, so while he was offline, I did some errands around town. I saw that I could forge the Spiked Knuckles, but I needed some materials to do it. I had everything but 2 Spellcast Iron. I was able to look them up in the Notebook and see that I could obtain them from defeating bombs. Then I could look up Bombs in the Bestiary section and see where its habitat is. Pretty handy when planning out your next trip!

I headed out to their habitat in Hibat Foothills. I searched high and low but could not find any Bombs. I sometimes see them in Leggi Steppe, so I checked there too to no avail. They just weren't around. I end the roaming quest and restart it. This time they were all over the place! I'm not sure what determines this, but it seems I'll have to revisit a place a different time if there's something I cannot find.

Eventually, I obtained the Spellcast Iron I needed and forged some brand new Spiked Knuckles for myself! Now I can defeat things slightly faster! I had a little trouble with Bombs exploding and not dropping anything, but it wasn't too much of a hassle.

My friend was able to come online again and we continued questing.

I think the fourth quest we did was "Insidious Blue Dragon", but I'm not 100% sure. We took care of it easily enough :) The new weapons are good weapons!

After this, there were no more quests left. I had to go mingle with the people in the town. A man named Ardo tells me about Ifrit. My first eidolon quest!

"Flame Djinn" is the name of the fifth one. It took a little while but we defeated it. Someone my friend knew tried to join our session, but didn't make it this time.

On defeating Ifrit, I unlocked quest options. They're extra difficulty settings. I didn't bother setting any for now.

We face Ifrit again on the sixth quest, "A Chocobo's Treasure". My friend's friend Edo joined us and the three of us took on Ifrit together. The mayhem between all of us was quite fun! :) After this, Edo left.

I had to go mingle again and unlock more quests. Fierty tells me about Dryad, an eidolon in the Fosta Gardens. This seventh quest is titled "Twisted Sister's Garden". She was tough enough! She can disappear underground and reappear on another side of the area. We manage to defeat her though!

After this, my 3DS battery LED was flashing red with danger, so I had to run and grab my charger to continue playing. Managed to connect it in time! My friend wasn't having any more connection problems either, so things were going quite smoothly now :)

Cid told me about our eighth quest: "Aptitude Exam: Thief and Time Mage". For this we had to defeat a Behemoth. We beat it easily enough and unlock the new jobs for me. I don't switch from a Monk though. I tend to stick to a job in RPGs. I might change someday.

After some more mingling, Shion told me about Shiva. This ninth quest is titled "Ice Queen" and it takes place at Lake Tinze. It was tough-ish, due to her freezing me a lot. My healer came in very handy here!

We went on to our tenth quest, where we fight Shiva again. It's called "One-Winged Angel". After taking care of her again, I had to do more mingling.

Claire gave me more subquests and Surama told me about Ramuh up in Dell'antoni Bluffs. This eleventh quest is titled "Thunder Sage". The winding path up the mountain to where he lurks has a nice atmosphere. He's an interesting boss/eidolon. He makes these yellow crystal-like thingies appear around the area. I think they enable him to warp around or give him extra protection against our attacks, but I'm not sure. I think my earth affinity surge made him dizzy and easier to battle.

The twelfth mission we did is "A Moogle's Treasure", where we took on Ramuh again. This time I got KO'd! My healer revived me though and I was back up on my feet and punching away again!

Cid then told me about our thirteenth mission, "Magicite Permit Exam". For this, we have to encase an eidolon in Magicite. I decide on Dryad. It was a tough battle! She inflicts loads of status effects, including confuse, where the directional controls are reversed. She can also make the ground burst up and rise in a wide area, which is a pretty big attack.

On defeating her, I got some tutorials about Magicites and Trances. I'll use them in time. All I know is that the Dryad one made me glow for a while when I tapped that icon on the touchscreen.

I had a chat with the Moogle in town and he gave me a Godhands schematic. It's a more powerful weapon for me that I can forge! I need materials though. I'm short 7 Cloudless Prisms and 2 Iron Ores. I'll collect them later.

Cid gave me our fourteenth and final mission for this session, "Explore North Amostra". It's a really fun mission where we had to cover new ground and defeat any 20 monsters along the way. Exploring at it's purest! :)

These windy maze areas are densely detailed and can be a bit confusing, unless you look at the map as well to see where your in-game characters collide. They're quite nice to explore and hunt for stuff all the same! Of course, the big wide areas are lovely to look at too.

Afterwards, we discuss what our favourite things are about the game. I just find the experience really nice and smooth. Our White Mage and Monk team work very well together. I'm still at a much lower level, so what usually happens when we face a monster is that the spells almost one-shot them; then it's my Explosive Fist that finishes off the tiny bit of health they have left. I also love the pickup sound! Can't get enough of it!

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