Thursday 25 February 2016

2 Bravely Second - Outside Al-Khampis Questing, First Enemies, Desert, Aimee, Meeting Fiore DeRosa

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about some more stuff do to on getting started with this game.

The lady by the inn gives us a quest titled "Apron A-missing!" where Master Ginji's legendary apron was stolen by a thief. The rumourmongering lady tells us "A Secret Paradise", where we can find an enemy that can help us train up jobs very quickly. The man in front of the Spire of Learning gives us a quest about learning how to use StreetPass. The man on the bridge tells us about registering friends and passing them. The man at the south gate tells us about updating StreetPass information. The man in the dormitory by the fireplace tells us about summoning StreetPassed users in battle. We head back to the man in front of the spire and he thanks us and gives us some potions as reward. He's able to play the game with his granddaughter now!

On leaving  Al-Khampis, we speak with Agnès and tell her we've met with our "guide". They introduce themselves to one another and Magnolia tells us about rebuilding her homeland.

Now then! The world map! The music is nice and adventuresome. Day and night passes as well. A tutorial about "Rebuilding the Moon" shows up and says that it uses people met via StreetPass to help rebuild Magnolia's homeland. Wow, it's a simulation kind of thing. Like Actraiser or something.

We jump into the first battle too! It's against Harpies. The battle music... isn't as cool as the one in Bravely Default but it isn't bad. It may grow on me!

South of the town, Echo Herbs can be found.

Hmm... when you win a battle, you can get an option to accept a new challenger. Neat idea... it seems like it would save one from walking back and forth in level grinding sessions! There's a bonus multiplier as well, so that's a nice thing to add to the gameplay.

Then we fight Sandhoppers. They like to jump in the air like Dragoons or something. We take care of them easily as well. I like that the bestiary updates without having to examine what the enemies are, though I'm not sure why I thought it wouldn't.

Now I'm going to try something else: turning off the encounter rate entirely! It warns that it'll make it more difficult to gain levels but I'll just experiment for now.

We find the apron and the "Sandswept" chat comes up. Nikolai isn't used to the sandy winds but Yew and Janne are. Magnolia seems to be having trouble too and takes Yew's handkerchief, rather than borrow it. No sign of the apron thief anywhere.

Exploring the desert, there are a few places of interest, but I don't enter them yet. There's also this big sand tornado that seems to have something inside.

Back in Al-Khampis, this cut scene happens. A woman with a gun named Aimee is scolding her two soldiers for losing the apron they stole. So that's who it was!

We bring the apron back to the lady and she gives us an Ether for a reward and says that Master Ginji would make a meal as thanks.

In the dormitory, the one in the pointy yellow hat gives us another quest. "Collect Monster Bones" in a cave northwest of the oasis.

The rumour lady has another one, "The Rumored Adjunct Professor". It's a guy who can be found at the oasis.

The man on the bridge gives us a quest too, to beat up some Goblins that have been attacking crops. It's titled "Goblin Busters".

On leaving town again, we get a tutorial for "Brave & Default".

At night, Al-Khampis has no music but nice atmospheric wind blowing. Very pretty with the lights too. Inside the dormitory, there's no sound at all except for our own footsteps.

Leaving town once more, we get another scene where we ask Magnolia for directions to a cave, but she seems unsure of herself. Is she busted? It would appear so, until Agnès comes in and shows not suspicion, but sympathy! She thinks Magnolia is having trouble with directions, because it's an issue that's dear to her own heart! Nice save for Magnolia there!

We head to the oasis and meet this adjunct professor. He's here and he's introduced as Red Mage Fiore DeRosa. He likes the ladies. He seems to give us a choice to fight him. I wasn't expecting this. I decline to fight him for now. Maybe I should reconsider having the encounter rate turned off?

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