Saturday 13 February 2016

6 Final Fantasy Explorers - Meeting Random Players Online, 3 Star Quests

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about another online session I had with my American friend, where we took on 3 star quests and came across random people online who wanted to join our session. I didn't really know until now that random people could just show up online like that! Of course, you have the option to make the session private if you want and lock it with a password to share among friends.

My friend had acquired some cool traditional White Mage clothing since! You know, the white cloak with the red triangles on it. Old-School Final Fantasy :)

Quest 1: "Accursed Serpent Eye"

Defeat 5 Lamias. On the way to Debbis Cave, we met a big version of those Bombs. This one doesn't explode thankfully, it's just very scary looking. We beat it and the Lamias pretty quickly. My friend got a lot of new moves! Completing this unlocked the Blue Mage job for me. Still haven't switched yet though!

I spent some Play Coins on the Migrant Moogle's stuff. Got lots of them to spend. My friend said that Teleport Stones and Phoenix Pinions are pretty useful. There weren't any to buy during this session, but I bought a Teleport Stone from him since.

The first 2 Random Players then joined us. Random1 (EL 107 Dark Knight) stuck around for the next quest but Random2 left straight away again.

Quest 2: "That Million-Gil Gaze"

Defeat 5 Ahrimans. We headed to the Arha Marsh with its poisonous purple waters and with Random1's help, we completed the quest pretty quickly.

Quest 3: "Terrapin Treasury"

Defeat 5 Gil Snappers. We headed to Maxon Ravine to take care of them. Had a disconnection here! Had to take care of the rest of it myself, but it wasn't too difficult.

On returning to town, I found that Random3 (EL 75 Ranger) had now joined us.

Quest 4: "Inspector from Home"

Defeat any 10 monsters. I chose to go to Tinze Shores because I was close to finishing the 20 Aquians subquest. Between the four of us battling together, things got a bit laggy and slow. No biggie, as things don't happen too quick to notice I suppose. Also, this cool structure emerged from the sea! It reminded me of the water temple from Majora's Mask. I'm not sure what triggered it, but it was pretty cool! I wasn't strong enough to go there yet and neither was my friend, who's still way more advanced than I am at the game.

After this I unlocked Buster Sword and Cloud's Attire schematics. I did some mingling around town and Sophia told me about the Phoenix, Soltis told me about an eidolon in Ruisqo Cave and Beatrice told me about a big wolf eidolon. That Beatrice has a saucy voice...

Random1 posted a quest while I was mingling, but I'm not advanced enough to join! My friend and Random3 headed out and did the quest, while I waited around and hung out with the saucy Beatrice. This was Quest 5: "Wipe Out the Magitroops"

When they all returned, I quickly picked the next quest!

Quest 6: "The Joy of Collecting Items"

Use a Trance Surge & Obtain 20 items. I still had that Aquian subquest to finish, so I chose the beach again. The Randoms tore through everything and poured into the Tinze Caverns towards Shiva. They didn't hang around! I managed to do all this and finished the quest before we had a chance to defeat her again though.

Random4 joined us then. Not sure when they left.

Quest 7: "Immortal Firebird"

Defeat Phoenix. It's difficult to punch it while it hovers above me in the air. I managed to do some good damage to it though and helped finish it off nicely with Lightning's Gestalt Drive.

Afterwards, Random3 asked me to add them to my friend list and I did. It's quite easy to do this in-game.

Cid told me about another job aptitude exam, but I did it later. The Moogle Merchant gave me Cloud.

Random5 (EL71 Monk) then joined us. A fellow Monk!

Quest 8: "Dark Despot"

Defeat Diabolos. We headed to Ciej Cavern to take it on. Random5 got confused for a while and went the wrong way, but they quickly caught up with us again. Wow, the boss was pretty unpleasant. It could make everything dark so we couldn't see and it had this black hole attack thingy that sucked us away from attacking it. I tried to get it with Lightning twice but didn't manage to do any Gestalt Drive! My White Mage friend helped a lot here!

After this, Random5 left. After defeating 10 eidolons, I got Yuna, Yuna's attire and the Tiny Bee schematic from the Moogles.

Quest 9: "Gale-Force Lupine"

Defeat Fenrir. We headed to Maxon Cataract to take it on. This one was harsh enough! It was able to duplicate itself and it KO'd me too! Luckily, my friend revived me :) I did manage to get a couple of Gestalt Drives on them while fighting. I ran out of AP as well so had to use Ether. Together, we all beat it!

Random6(EL87 Black Mage) then joined. They immediately demanded a friend request. I didn't accept.

Quest 10: "Aptitude Exam: Geomancer, Alchemist"

Defeat 1 iron giant. Tinze Shores. Thanks to my helpers, it died really quickly! Unlocked Alchemist and Geomancer jobs as a result.

Colonel Grauser showed up in town and he gave me more quests. Biggs and Wedge are the names of his cohorts! Nice reference to the other Final Fantasy games!

Quest 11: "A Legendary Knight"

Defeat any 10 dragons. My friend said this one is kinda hard. I don't blame him! On arriving at the beach, we saw loads of these huge dragons all there in a row! They looked pretty intimidating. Thanks to our helpers, we took care of them handily!

At this point, I had to plug in my 3DS charger. My friend and I turned down the SFX, because some of those attacks had a lot of the same battle cries accompanying them. Here I was, thinking the music might have gotten repetitive! It's not so far, it's still nice.

Quest 12: "Wipe Out the Magitroops"

Defeat 5 Centuarions and 5 Black Knights in Fosta Forest. I was able to qualify for this one this time! This one was practically done for us, as our two random teammates rushed ahead and defeated most of the enemies. I don't think I even saw a Black Knight during this quest.

Back in town, Grauser said that the mission was just a test and he's giving me more stuff to do for the empire. Surama told me where the Sacred Tree is, but I have to fight the eidolon Alexander to get the Woll Droplet from there. That's the next quest.

Quest 13: "Guardian of the Sacred Tree"

Defeat Alexander & Obtain a Woll droplet. Sacred Tree Woll. I barely got a chance to touch the guy! The randoms got there before me and beat it before I got the chance. Random6 encased it I think. Running around the roots of that tree was confusing. Didn't know what was a wall and what was traversible, so I had to look at the map to see the collision layout. I grabbed my own share of the Woll droplet after my friend pointed it out.

Cid gave me another exam to do.

Quest 14: "Aptitude Exam: Ninja & Bard"

Defeat 1 yellow dragon. Maxon Ravine. This reminded my friend of the game title "Ninjabread Man". Let's not talk about that game right now! Thanks to our helpers, this went by in a flash as well. Then I pressed START too soon and skipped out on collecting spoils! Nooo!

Unlocked Ninja & Bard jobs now. Random3 left the game. I didn't switch jobs yet. Gonna stick with Monk for a while. I tend to do that in RPGs.

The very impatient Random7 appeared in town and demanded several times to start the next mission. Within moments they got bored and left.

Random8 appeared and almost immediately disappeared.

Quest 15: "Red-Hot Garden of Drifting Sparks"

Defeat Ifrit in Fosta Gardens. My friend and I explored the nooks and crannies of the areas along the way thoroughly. We both like doing this! The randoms we met were different though — they just wanted to go straight to the target. So anyway, Ifrit had his back to me the whole time and focused on my friend. That's ok, I suppose! Made things easier for me to attack him from behind!

Random9(EL98 Thief) appeared and joined us.

Quest 16: "Explore East Amostra"

Reach the Hibat Caverns, defeat any 20 monsters and obtain 10 items. My friend disconnected during this, so I started the quest again. Random9 disappeared. This quest had me completely confused at the time but now I know where I went wrong. I was trying to go to Hibat Caverns through the Hibat Foothills. The problem was, there was a big purple barrier there for me. My friend had done this already, so there was no barrier for him. What I should have done was start at Maxon Ravine, like the quest description said! (I should have read it!) There's a path from there that goes through a cave and a big desert and leads to Hibat Caverns from the other side. Completing this makes that other barrier between the foothills and caverns vanish.

On returning to town, Cid gave me some 4 star quests to do! This will be for another session I think!

I did some more mingling to finish off. Shion revealed himself to be a Querasua inspector doing recon and gave me some monster slaying subquests.

There were other random players online, but they mostly just showed up and left. I'm unsure of the exact comings and goings of everyone.

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