Monday 29 February 2016

36 Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros - The Very ANGRY Wiggler, Interfering Kameks, Finally Reaching Mount Brrr

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about having to deal with Kamek and Paper Kamek again on our way to Mount Brrr. Something unbelievable then happens to Wiggler... as ye'll soon see...

Kamek blocked the path on us with his magic barrier and we had to start a mission to defeat him with bomb buds before he could hit us three times. Hitting him with the first one was easy enough, just caught him at the right moment. He then put up a shield that went away after he warped, so that was the chance to hit him with the second one. After this, he made two fake copies of himself, so we had to throw the third one at the real Kamek.

Covered with three bandages, he flew off and his barrier spell dissipated. Up ahead, there's another Lakitu Info Centre and a heart block. Further on we met Wiggler, who was confronting Paper Kamek about the giant shapes he littered the forest with earlier. Paper Kamek then zapped Wiggler, sending him into a blind rage and attacked us!

Boss time! Wiggler started by increasing his POW. Paper Kamek just floated in the background. After taking our first turns, Wiggler did some shockwave and spit attacks, before chasing after Paper Mario on his hind legs. While being chased, Paper Mario had to use his hammer to knock enemies out of the way. Paper Kamek flew above menacingly too. Unfortunately, Paper Mario got KO'd! Wiggler then brought out Paper Spear Guys. I wasn't too concerned about these cohorts, as a good counter can wipe them out.

After a turn where we revived Paper Mario, Paper Kamek conjured up a papercraft ball and Wiggler chased after us on it! The new move "Boomerang Guard" came up then. With this, Paper Mario turns into a boomerang and we can use him to take turns throwing him at whatever's chasing us. We knocked that ball out from under Wiggler!

On the next turn, Wiggler chased after Mario. I wasn't fast enough and didn't escape Wiggler from landing on him.

After a turn of attacking him, Wiggler flopped down on the ground exhausted. Paper Kamek then came by and floated over him. It was him we were to attack now. He's Lv 16 here. He attacks by firing different coloured shapes at each one of us with his wand. It's easy to determine which to avoid at what moment.

With a few Bros. Attacks and one last move dealing with a paper enemy damaging battle card, we defeated him! It was well before he got a chance to do anything else like perhaps reviving Wiggler's anger! He dropped the POW Gloves for Paper Mario before fleeing limply.

"You haven't seen the last of me!" he said, before flying away. Wiggler thanked us for giving him the most delicious day of his life and said he was very tired. Just then, this sad music started playing and Mario and Luigi exclaimed:

"OH, NO!"

Just then, all these Paragoombas with bowed heads and closed eyes appeared from above in a light and carried Wiggler away! To heaven?

Everyone then started CRYING! Even Starlow! I'd never seen her cry before!

"Why are you so sad?" Wiggler then asked, before descending in his new butterfly form! Happy music then started playing as he offered us all a lift to Mount Brrr. We took him up on it and away we went!

Finally on Mount Brrr! That beautiful music I heard from before when the princesses arrived at the villa is the main theme for this area. Exploring this area is gonna be a treat :) Wiggler is staying here to give us a lift back anytime.

So... what was with that last scene huh? Leading us to believe someone died a sad and dramatic death in a Mario game! Wow!

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