Friday 26 February 2016

11 Final Fantasy Explorers - Facing Bahamut With Joe, Encasing Diabolos With Bix

Dear Readers,

Today, I'll talk about even more online adventures I went on with Joe and Bix.

Quest 1: "Sovereign of the Skies"

Defeat Bahamut. Mount Chaminil Summit. Along the Chaminil trail, I got a Crystal Surge to summon a Flan Princess. She wasn't giant like the other summons, but the notebook says she'll drop something rare if we're lucky. On reaching the summit, the weather was really foggy and blurry due to the snowstorm. However, I was able to do my Snow Banisher cataclysm here and things got much clearer! Bahamut was a tough but exciting battle and it was my first time facing him. Joe said he normally has trouble with him too. We won and headed back to town to meet up with Bix.

Bix changed job to Black Mage! At this stage they were EL 25. I was a bit ahead at EL 62 and Joe was even further ahead with EL 113.

Bix was running around us while I was trying to talk to Cid! He said I'm eligible for the final job aptitude exam. That'll be nice later.

Quest 2: "That Million-Gil Gaze"

Defeat 5 Ahrimans. Arha Marsh etc. This was quite fun. There was a good bit of slowdown as we faced the Ahrimans and Coeurls, so it was like bullet-time combat. I got the last one nicely with an Omnislash. How appropriate for Cloud to say "This ends here!" during it!

Quest 3: "One-Winged Angel"

Bix was pretty enthusiastic! Ran right ahead while Joe and I collected loads of stuff on the way to fight Shiva.

Quest 4: "Terrapin Treasury"

Quick and easy one. All 5 Gil Snappers were right there in Maxon Ravine when we started.

Quest 5: "Inspector from Home"
Quest 6: "The Joy of Collecting Items"

We collected our items quickly. I was able to do a Trance Surge kinda soon, but waited until we fought Shiva to do anything. It was a lot further in the quest but it was still fun!

Quest 7: "Immortal Firebird"
Quest 8: "Aptitude Exam: Geomancer, Alchemist"
Quest 9: "Gale-Force Lupine"

At the end of this quest, Bix was running around but their HP bar was completely empty! How were they not dead? Must've been a very close call! I tried encasing this eidolon but it didn't work.

I started using the fortune teller. It seems to be a good way to spend Play Coins if you have too many. You can get a chance to earn bonus money and crystal points too.

Quest 10: "A Moogle's Treasure"

Joe was getting ready for bed, so Bix and I just did the odd quick quest. We all talked a little bit about other RPGs. I hope Bravely Second is in good supply in the shops...

Quest 11: "Dark Despot"

I remember Diabolos being tough the first time I fought him and that was with three other people! It was just Bix and me this time, so it was quite tough indeed! We really missed Joe's healing powers. We did manage to defeat Diabolos though and I was able to encase him too!

Quest 12: "Wipe Out the Magitroops"

After this quest, Bix got the flashing red LED of danger so they had to charge their 3DS. As for me, I had to have mine charging the whole time we were playing, as it was low in battery when we started.

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