Saturday 1 October 2016


Dear Readers,

Now to visit King Donald. The guard at the gate welcomed me and so did the doormen. Continuing along, Prince Kiefer called me over to him and talked about our plan for that ship we had in the secret spot to the west of the bay. He said he found a book that talked about a Shrine of Awakening, which is located somewhere in the mountains to the east and that we need the light of the sun if we want to get in there. He said he was going over for a "recce", which I had to look up and it means the same as "reconnaissance". Learning new stuff! He said he wanted me to stall the King while he snuck out.

So here's the castle! The music is a nice royal theme with deep trumpets and everything. The old man nearby asked if I'd like my fortune told. I said Yes and he said my destiny was to bring peace to the world, but since the world was already at peace, he reckoned his skills weren't what they used to be. Since there's a big quest ahead, he may be more correct than he thinks! I like the way he says "Heurgh! Woooh! Yaaargh! as well while coming up with my fortune :)

There's an item shop here and also a bank! Hooray! Nice to have access to the bank so soon in the game :) I don't have 1,000 gold coins yet though.

A heavily armoured man recognised me as Pollock's son. The guard near him was thrilled to have a money pouch that magically filled itself back up with money. Pike sold it to him. Uh oh... I went out the door nearby. A guard outside said he saw Prince Kiefer rummaging through the storerooms and found an old book.

Another guard prevented me from entering the banqueting hall. The two guards by the stairs, one was asleep and the other wanted to act tough because he never had a chance to, but he apologised and let me pass no problem.

Upstairs I finally met King Donald, who was looking for Prince Kiefer. He actually doesn't look too different from Donald Sutherland! The Chancellor tried to calm him down. When the King saw me, he grabbed me by the hand and led me upstairs to the throne room. It was pretty amazing what he did next! He told me to sit on the throne and look him in the eye while he questioned me. Wow! I had the option to say No, but I really didn't want to refuse to co-operate, being confronted like this. He asked me if I was hiding something from him. I said Yes. He said that Kiefer stole a precious keepsake ring that belonged to his mother and that he wanted me to talk some sense into him, because his behaviour was unacceptable for one who would be king in the future. He said he was relying on me and not to disappoint him. Wow! That was a pretty stern talk he had with me! I love his manner, sitting me on the throne and everything, like it was some kind of truth seat. He's a king, but also a father. He said he had other important stuff to talk about with me some other day in the future. He said that I may now return to Pilchard Bay while sitting rather glumly on his throne.

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