Sunday 21 February 2021

2 bugs vs. tanks! - shooting our first ants and bees

Dear Readers,

Now to start the second tutorial mission titled "LV 1 -02 Tutorial 2 Operation: Counter Attack" where we finally get to shoot at bugs.

Lieutenant Kremmel gathered us and worked under the impression that the Allies had shrunk us with a new weapon and ordered us to focus on the new enemy of the giant bugs that were attacking us. We'd have to find a way to reverse the shrinking effects later. He ordered us to search the area and rout the enemy, one by one if we had to. Ernst was delighted to get straight into action but Joachim was more cautious about gauging the strength of the ants. he suggested gathering intel about them and about the area by picking off about ten ants before pulling back.

Ernst explained the turret controls. I approached the bugs cautiously and fired at them, seeing them on the radar and hearing them before I could see them coming.

We continued along and found an abandoned tank, saying we could use it for spare parts.

Then we got into a situation where we were being attacked from the rear. Joachim taught me about the SOS button, that can be used once per mission to call for cover fire. I pressed it and it was handy to help with covering our rear. It's like a game screen clearing bomb.

Soon after, we killed 10 bugs so we finished up the mission and headed back.

Kremmel praised us in a tough love kind of way, saying he expected more and will expect more next time. We discussed the ants we came across and the concept of switching between bomber and piercing shells, depending on the situation.

Three more missions were now available on the next level. I had a look at the collection now and it had these:

Medals: Bug Tank Squad for clearing the tutorial. It's easy enough to play and get into.

Bugs: Ant, Sugar Ant, and Honey Bee. The sugar ants are slightly slower and less powerful than the ant and the honey bee as very high speed. Can get food from the bees but nothing of value from the ants. Bleh. I hate ants in real life.

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