Friday 5 February 2021

217 ace attorney 6 - restoring nahyuta's hope

Dear Readers,

I appealed to Nahyuta's hope that lay deep within his heart, what bonded him, me and Dhurke together as a family. I finally had a chance to present Dhurke's attorney badge. I asked him about why he didn't confiscate it when questioning Dhurke and told him I knew he still had hope for a country where we could live free from fear of tyranny. Dhurke told us about this when we were kids when we asked about his attorney's badge.

Nahyuta had a long pause where he thought long and hard about this. He acknowledged what I was talking about but then told me the dream had died, along with Dhurke. He said no matter the cost, he had to protect her!

I was about to protest again when Ga'ran yelled "Such insolence!" and commanded the judge to lay down his gavel. I objected and with Phoenix's help, thought of something related to the incident 23 years ago, something that would prove Dhurke innocent and no longer be seen as a criminal and thus, clear his children of any of his alleged sins!

The judge was about to continue lowering his gavel when I announced we had new information on the assassination attempt from 23 years ago. The information I had was the photograph of my biological father, which I presented with a "Take that!"

Ga'ran was not pleased to learn he was my biological father and we would be able to consult Princess Rayfa to perform a Séance. She objected to this but I objected back, telling her that Dhurke was being tried for this incident as well today, so it was all part of current and relevant business! 

The judge believed the final memories of my biological father would prove to be very important in solving this case, so he gave the go ahead for another Séance!

The only thing Rayfa needed, along with this photograph of my biological father, was his full name. I told her it was Jove Justice.

Let's hope the royal guard doesn't shoot her as well.

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