Monday 1 February 2021

213 ace attorney 6 - amara's love

Dear Readers,

Amara testified in her flowery way that we had nothing but circumstantial evidence. What wasn't so flowery was the way she talked about Dhurke, calling him the wrong man and everything.

While I was pressing, Nahyuta criticized me for using only the process of elimination to pinpoint Amara. He said what if there were other spirit mediums in Khura'in. Phoenix told me I had to either prove that Amara killed Inga or prove Amara was in the tomb.

When she said there was nothing to prove she was at the scene of the crime, I presented the Pink Butterfly Pendant with an "Objection!". This lead to me presenting the Blue Butterfly Pendant that Dhurke was wearing in his corpse photo.

I asserted that the pink and blue pendants went together as a pair. Dhurke kept the blue one and he pretended the pink one was his too but he was covering for someone. While I was making the assertion, Amara was silent and sweating buckets.

I had her cornered. I asked her directly that the pink one was hers wasn't it? She had trouble answering me. I continued, saying that Dhurke figured it out about the pink one and pretended it was his because he wanted to protect Amara... because he loved her. He loved her to the very end and beyond.

At this Amara eventually opened her eyes and made a dramatic anime girl expression. She then finally admitted she killed Inga.

Nahyuta reacted so badly he hit himself in the face again with his beads. She told him to forgive her but it was the only way. Everyone was shocked and saddened. Amara and Dhurke were unable to reconcile while he was still alive.

I asked Amara why she brought the pendant into the tomb with her, knowing it would come back to haunt her. She said she couldn't understand it herself. She said even though she was nearly assassinated by her husband, she couldn't bear any hatred towards him. She couldn't bring herself to discard it for any length of time. She also finally admitted she never stopped loving Dhurke for the past twenty-three years.

Hmm... so she still believed that he tried to assassinate her?

Amara then asked the judge was it not time to declare Dhurke innocent. The prosecution had no objections, not Ga'ran or Nahyuta, though he was struggling with the fact that his mother killed Inga. I was happy Dhurke was going to be declared innocent, but something else troubled me.

The judge, acknowledging that Amara was still alive so there was no assassination, and the fact that Dhurke was killed by Inga rather than the other way round, he was about to bring down his gavel.

Just then, he was interrupted by a "Hold it!" from... Princess Rayfa! Dun dun dunnnn!

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