Friday 12 February 2021

224 ace attorney 6 - goodbye, khura'in! the end of the main game!

Dear Readers,

The next morning after Dhurke's acquittal, I saved the game and my perspective shifted from Apollo. I was now Phoenix Wright once again.

We waited for the bus to the airport at the temple. Trucy looked sad and wondered if Apollo decided to stay. I bet he must've been up all night thinking about this life-changing decision. Athena looked sad as well and said it would mean no more courtroom battles alongside him.

Just then we heard a familiar booming voice! It was Apollo! He rushed to us and was out of breath. Athena smiled and asked if he was coming home with us?

Apollo turned to me and told me he had made up his mind... It was the moment of truth...

He said he still had so much to learn from me, but he decided to stay here in Khura'in. Athena and Trucy gasped. He said he felt like he had to pick up where Dhurke left off and couldn't let his sacrifice go to waste. He said he wanted to teach others everything I taught him about being a lawyer. He said with Dhurke's roadmap and my teachings, he believed these two things will save the people of this kingdom from further unrest. He wanted to do it but more importantly, he felt he had to do it! I never felt prouder to have had such an amazing attorney working under me!

Apollo then said someday he'd return to the U.S.! He gave his scout's honour that he'd be back once the new legal system here was firmly in place! Trucy asked him if he really would be coming back and he said he absolutely would, though he didn't know how long he'd be. He said he'd keep learning and growing and come back an even better lawyer, so we better not forget about him!

I told him of course we wouldn't and there would always be a spot waiting for him back at the office! I said we'd be rooting for him and to knock 'em dead! He said "You got it, Mr. Wright!"

Trucy told Apollo she was going to miss him but she was going to support his choice all the way! He thanked her and wished her good luck with her magic act as well, telling her he knows she'll do Troupe Gramarye proud!

Athena told Apollo she'll be cheering for him too, but she'll be growing too and he probably wouldn't recognise her the next time we all meet! They bonded like friendly rivals!

Our bus arrived and we said our heartfelt goodbyes and promises to see each other again.

A brief scene followed where I talked about nurturing the lessons we learn and passing them on to future generations, highlighting Dhurke and his son Nahyuta along with myself and my subordinates Apollo and Athena.

An animated scene followed where Apollo was cleaning up the newly established Justice Law Office in Dhurke's old place along with Ahlbi and Datz. A parade was outside and they all went to have a look. There was Princess Rayfa, who gave her happiest smile and wave to them. Nahyuta was with her too. Apollo also saw Dhurke briefly, who smiled at him before vanishing.

The credits then played out and it was very interesting to see all the different multimedia companies involved. Brief scenes where characters from past cases came back to chat about their futures and hopes and dreams and stuff. Some fabulous characters were here.

At the very end was a scene with Phoenix talking to someone unknown, showing them the picture of Jove Justice. They discussed telling someone the truth. Very interesting. I'm guessing this is about Apollo and Trucy and also Apollo's bracelet. That may be for another time though!

After the credits a letter from Apollo and a photograph of his law office in Khura'in lay on my (Phoenix) desk, a few months after we left him in Khura'in. He apologised for being lax with keeping in touch, but things had been really hectic, what with rebuilding an entire legal system and all!

The next scene took place in Khura'in court, with the judge giving out to me (Apollo) for not even looking at an autopsy report. I said I probably shouldn't have taken on so many cases at once in my backlog. Nahyuta told me there were even more cases to look at, the judge told his friends looking for legal representation that I was still the only lawyer, and Rayfa was here too talking about handing out advertisements for my new office, listing services such as legal advice, investigating extramarital affairs and yak milking! She said these services were free and already got 380 requests! They were all driving me to say something and they really wanted me to say it!

The prompt came up and the microphone turned on all by itself! For the last time in the main game, I said "Objection!"

After this, a dialogue box came up telling me that Illustrations and anime cutscenes galleries had been unlocked in the extras and DLC. I popped in to have a look!

These galleries brought back memories! I looked at some of them briefly to make the "New!" marking disappear, but I would like to make another post to give my own commentary on them. I also looked at the DLC menu and the "Asinine Attorney" stuff looked pretty funny. I'll examine that closer too in the following post(s?).

Anyway hey, this was a fantastic entry in the series! Better than the last one, though I don't remember an awful lot about that. I'll have to review it in a wiki or whatever. If we're counting Ace Attorney 4, 5 and 6 as "the second trilogy" or "Apollo's Trilogy" then it's a pretty amazing conclusion when you consider elements like learning about Apollo's family and going up against Phoenix in court! That was all pretty amazing!

The characters were so good and well made. I got genuinely angry at Nahyuta and felt sympathy towards some of the true culprits. Datz with his big grin and thumbs up is probably my favourite. Ah... I guess I'll talk more about the characters in the next post about gallery commentary! Thanks for reading!

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