Wednesday 24 February 2021

5 bugs vs. tanks! - sheltering under leaves against dangerous raindrops

Dear Readers,

On to mission 2-4, Operation: Rain Drop.

It started raining and we had to flee under a leaf for cover! When it stopped, we found out our camp got washed away! Kremmel barked orders at us. Joachim asked him where should we go and he said to use our noggins and escort him somewhere safe. What a jerk he's continuing to be...

Joachim recalled a tree from our previous scouting and suggested heading there to sit out the storm. This one was interesting. We took shelter under leaves and hollowed out obstacles. We were even able to attack bugs this way, even while there were walls between us and the targets! Not gonna complain, especially since we have the burden of weapon cooldown!

The rain effects were visually minimal but the hazard came in frequent waves and we ended up losing half of HP. It wasn't easy going between small shelters of leaves and having to deal with ants and bees at the same time. Some of the shelters didn't really work that well and some bits of rain got through. There were more rock obstacles blocking paths, forcing us to take detours as well. It was a messy mission.

When we reached the tree, Joachim said the rain must've washed away the rock that was blocking the path to it. I guess that explains where the other blockages in the path came from. I got 337 points, a B rank and a Ranger of the Greens medal for clearing all the level 2 missions.

Safe in the shelter of the tree, Lieutenant Kremmel was rattled. Ernst quietly wished the rain washed him away instead of our supplies. We found that Colonel Diekmann's brigade was here and he was happy to see us unharmed. Kremmel brownnosed him and praised his own abilities. Diekmann said they lost many men. He didn't know what caused us all to shrink either and he placed more importance on survival for now. Kremmel did more butt kissing and we groaned quietly. Diekmann told me he was giving me commands directly from here on, taking over from Kremmel.

I took a look at the other medals and the conditions for obtaining them, some of which are dependent on StreetPass and playing Co-Op with another player. Probably not going to win them all... With the all tanks collected award I may need the other Guild games, but I don't know for certain. Oh well...

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