Thursday 25 February 2021

6 bugs vs. tanks! - collecting lumber and looking up history of real life tanks i found

Dear Readers,

Now to start the Level 3 missions with the first mission, Operation: Tree Base.

Colonel Diekmann was much more polite and respectful than Lieutenant Kremmel was. He graciously asked us to gather lumber so that we could reinforce our established base against the bugs.

It was a new maze with new bugs and new music with bongo drums! Joachim told me about using weapons to break down bits of logs into small enough parts of lumber to carry back to base. The maze had a nice bit of variety with mushrooms and ferns growing around the place. The echo-y bongo music was cool as well.

I finished the mission and got 385 points, a B rank, a Bug Ace medal for exterminating 100 bugs and a new tank I found.

New bug:

Termite: The white ant-like bugs first seen in this mission and it says they're related to cockroaches. Yuck.

The new tank I found was a Japanese Type 2 Ka-Mi. Not sure why it was here but hey, it's a tank so it qualifies for the overall theme of the game! It's an amphibious tank shaped like a boat, but it could also go on land. Pretty cool to look at from all angles.

I looked at the other tank I found earlier, the Fascist Italian Fiat M13740, which didn't do so well in North African sand. It looks skinny compared to the default tank I was using, the Panzer III Ausf. L. It's fun to look up these tanks online. Good way of learning history I suppose!

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