Monday 8 February 2021

220 ace attorney 6 - ga'ran's last-ditch effort to threaten our lives

Dear Readers,

When I thought I had finally gotten Ga'ran, she snapped her nails and started laughing, telling me that Nahyuta would be found guilty under the DC Act if she was found guilty too! The judge nodded along and confirmed all this.

Phoenix and I sweated at just how absurd this law was.

Ga'ran smirked and said Dhurke had been cleared of all charges, so we should leave thoughts of the real killer and revolution in the past. Nahyuta spoke up and told me we couldn't yield to her here. He said he was willing to face the DC Act if it helped the revolution! He told me to accuse Ga'ran of her crime!

Ga'ran spoke back, saying it would damage the kingdom if we removed the soverign and she called us terrorists. She then started scratching in her book declaring a new law: "All who imperil the crown, no matter the reason shall be subject to immediate execution upon the queen's orders"! She then waved her hand and commanded us to be put to death at once!

A cutscene followed where the royal guard burst into the court and pointed their guns at Phoenix, Nahyuta and me! She said if we continued to oppose her she would execute us! She made a voice acted wicked laugh!

I still objected, saying she couldn't do this! She couldn't just order our execution without due process! Phoenix and Nahyuta both told me to think before I speak again and not make this any worse. Nahyuta said he couldn't lose me to the Twilight Realm too...

Ga'ran told me it was my life or my accusation. I had this choice. I chose to accuse! I recalled Phoenix's biggest smiles saying and Nahyuta's dragon never yields saying.

I smiled and told Ga'ran I wouldn't let fear or even the law to force me to abandon the pursuit of truth. Phoenix and Nahyuta were inspired as well.

Phoenix then said it was a bit late for him to be asking, but what was the plan? I said the only logical thing to do was to dethrone her — right here, right now!

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