Friday 26 February 2021

7 bugs vs. tanks! - destroying ant hills and fending off giant mosquitoes

Dear Readers,

With lumber secured it was onward to mission 3-2, Operation: Ant Hill.

Colonel Diekmann thanked us for our tireless work. He reported that scouts had found anthills and he ordered us to destroy them. We got on pretty well here, destroying 4 sugar ant hills and 1 big regular ant hill. Once or twice things got a little crowded but we managed it ok. I got 458 points with an A rank.

Ernst boasted about not breaking a sweat when taking out the anthills so Diekmann said he'd assign us tougher duties then. Oops.

New bug entry:

Army Ant. A big white ant with huge jaws. I don't recall seeing these in the last mission. Maybe they were from an earlier mission.

Now for mission 3-3, Operation: Bloody Night.

We got ambushed during the night! We got into our tank and got ready before the others. Diekmann ordered us to hold the attacking mosquitoes off from attacking the base.

It was darker and that buzzing was not pleasant! The mosquitoes came in fast and in big numbers. To make it worse, ants came along as well, including big queen ones! At one point and it was near the end, it got so clustered around the base that I had to call in SOS again and that took care of the big crowd. Thankfully, the mosquitoes were quick enough to shoot down. We finished the mission successfully with an S rank and 503 points.

Ernst said he could shoot mosquitoes until they became extinct. Joachim said that it was going to his head. Diekmann talked about remaining vigilant at night and told us to get some shut-eye before the next mission.

New bug:

Mosquito. They're fast and awful and with our shrunken size they'd suck every drop of blood if they had the chance. Yuck...

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