Monday 22 February 2021

3 bugs vs. tanks! - scouting for water resources

Dear Readers,

Now to start the level 2 missions. 

LV 2-01 Sub Mission Operation: Morning Dew. This was about securing water sources. I was able to customise our tank now but I didn't bother for now.

Kremmel ordered us to secure resources, starting with water, since we couldn't rely on being resupplied in our shrunken state.

Joaquim suggested finding water rather than engaging the bugs in combat and Ernst taught me how.

I found this misson pretty clumsy when trying to avoid engagement. The ants and bees were just... there everywhere. I thought of being a bit stealthy but it didn't seem feasible. I eventually just tore through everything I could find and eventually found some dew drops guarded by some gigantic ants. they took several hits and a bit longer to defeat but they were so big they couldn't fit past gaps in rocks, so I was able to beat them handily.

I found two more dew spots and that was the mission! I got a C this time. C for clumsy I guess haha. I got As up until now.

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