Wednesday 3 February 2021

215 ace attorney 6 - ga'ran's new tactic

Dear Readers,

The trial was interrupted at the last moment! Amara was taken away by ambulance just in time but we'd been forced into recess. Phoenix, Athena and I stood in the accused lobby, not able to believe what just happened. I said Ga'ran would regret it if she ordered her guard to do what he did.

Princess Rayfa came to us and updated us on Amara's condition, saying she was going to have a fifty-fifty chance of making it. She was sad about it, just as they were being reunited. I didn't say it but this leads me to believe that Amara could be her mother!

Rayfa asked me how I was, after finding out Dhurke was dead the whole time. I thanked her for her concern, but I was still focused on the trial. She praised me. Athena told me not to overdo it.

Datz then appeared with his face in his hand. Not his usual cheery self at all. He was shocked that Dhurke the dragon was dead. He said when Dhurke disappeared, he turned back into Amara right? I said I suppose so, but I didn't know if it was because Dhurke's spirit willed it or if it was a part of Ga'ran or Amara's plan. Datz was downhearted about our revolution plan and I said not to give up hope yet, as there was a very good chance that Ga'ran was the real culprit in all this. Datz was encouraged by this and said the dream lived on! We just had to prove it in court! He said it was all up to me now!

Rayfa said she would have loved to have spoken with Dhurke while he was still alive. I said really? and assumed she bumped her head or something? Could Dhurke be her father?

The bailiff then told us we were to report to the courtroom at once. Phoenix told me to be on my toes for Ga'ran's response to the last accusation.

Back in court, we noticed Nahyuta was missing. Ga'ran apologised for her guard and never imagined he would do something like that, insisting that he acted alone. I didn't believe it for a second.

Ga'ran then revealed that during the break, Inga's real killer confessed to her. Uh oh.... I had a really bad feeling about this...

The bad feeling was confirmed when this "real killer" presented themselves. Phoenix and I sat there sweating bullets. We and the judge were absolutely speechless. It was Nahyuta.

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