Tuesday 16 February 2021

228 ace attorney 6 - my commentary of the illustration gallery (19-27)

Dear Readers,

More commentary on illustrations! From Trucy's case to the second case in Khura'in.

19. An impression of Mr. Reus in the coffin along with two other images with different fingerprint positions. As you can imagine, this makes for some dramatic moments with lots of "Take that!" answers trying to make sense of things and getting at the truth.

20. The plaza in Khura'in with everyone kneeling in front of Tah'rust and Maya performing the rite. Puhray is there too and he was already dead at that stage if I remember right.

21. The crime photo of Tahrust dead in the bloody pool around the bloodstained statue. Gruesome image. Didn't get to know his character until Maya channelled him.

22. Dramatic images of Lady Kee'ra set against the background of mountains, one with a clear sky with sunbeams and another all purple and cloudy and fearsome. All mysterious and fascinating and eerie, but there was no more mention of her after this case.

23. The newspaper article about Lady Kee'ra. Even though it was revealed to be Puhray, the legend itself was never really brought up again.

24. Datz's wanted poster! 3 million reward I think it says on it. He turned out to be such a good natured character, though he does have a tough look about him. They really made him look fearsome and tough here. No grins or thumbs up back then. He just looked like a psychopath on this poster.

25. Different images showing theories on how Tahrust got stabbed, one with Lady Kee'ra from the front and one of Maya from behind. It's strange to see this because I always took it for granted that artwork showed the truth of what happened in the series as a trope, like the one about the music stopping when you get an "Objection!" in the right place. Here with Tahrust in the same position it looks like a Photoshopped meme with the different theories.

26. The two different really tall mountains on one image with their heights and on the other, the zoomed out image showing the prison on the very top of the taller mountain. It was pretty cool to discover this stuff. Imagine Datz escaping that place and parachuting down!

27. The crime photo of Puhray in prayer position with the dagger lodged into the top of his back. Amazing how no one noticed this even though he was propped into that position.

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