Saturday 13 February 2021

225 ace attorney 6 - my commentary on the anime cutscenes gallery

Dear Readers,

With the game finished, let's have a look at the extras menu that just unlocked!

The anime cutscene menu is quiet and it has 12 cutscenes.

1. The first scene was narrated by Phoenix as he arrived in Khura'in to meet Ahlbi and it's in 3D. Lots of dramatic imagery to set the scene about revolution with the people bursting into the courtroom or Hall of Justice. Princess Rayfa looking shadowy and mysterious with reflections of flames in her eyes. All contrasting with Phoenix getting spooked and culture shocked by a friendly cow before Ahlbi recognises him. I bet he can spot a tourist a mile away!

There's also a big prologue scene on YouTube where Maya finishes a training session, changing in front of a blushing Ahlbi without any bother on her. She then breaks her phone in a bad situation. Phoenix panics and rushes to the airport! Nahyuta effortlessly disarms a rebel as well. Then there's Dhurke talking about change and the arrival of a Phoenix. I just found it randomly and I don't recall it at all! Nice little extra that doesn't really feel like a promo and it's not in the game.

2. Phoenix and Ahlbi among others watching Rayfa doing the Dance of Devotion in the temple for the first time, with subtitles for the chanting. The dramatic mysterious scene intertwines with the scenes of the police rushing through the hallways to come in with their guns to arrest Ahlbi. Rayfa has a disdainful judgemental look like she's ready to do her job. Very dramatic scene that keeps you guessing what's gonna happen next! Still very much a wild rollercoaster so far!

3. Wow... this one had Datz and Dhurke discussing the Not Guilty verdict of the first trial at their shadowy hideout. Datz with his knife and Dhurke with his grin are very ominous and threatening! This is what I wanted to revisit most of all; the early impression we get of the Defiant Dragons as being very dangerous and threatening.

4. Trucy's Gramarye Land act where the villanous Mr. Reus turns into a dragon and chases a helpless looking girl and blasts her with fire before she transforms into Trucy and makes her hat huge to fall on him! It looks like a fully realised imaginative movie scene rather than just a stage performance! It's pretty spectacular and imaginative alright and I'm guessing this is what was in the theatre audience's mind as they were entertained! Love Trucy and I'm glad she got to have an episode.

5. The dramatic scene where Trucy is attacked by one of the bunny girl sisters and falls into the coffin. The bunny sister blows a kiss to Mr. Hat who gets enamoured  and tries to stab the coffin, but transforms into Trucy, who then stabs the coffin. Everyone in the audience, including Apollo and Athena are enthralled. This doesn't have the dead body though! In the game I've analysed and examined this scene many times to solve the murder mystery! Nice to have an anime version where the performance goes as intended... for the most part at least!

6. Nahyuta sitting under a tree with some animals and talking about wandering souls before Ema goes up to him and tells him that Apollo is going to be defending Trucy's case. He just utters Apollo's name to himself. I've a different impression of this scene now that I know they're stepbrothers who hadn't seen each other in a long time. Makes me think of the impression it made on Nahyuta to hear his brother's name for the first time in forever.

7. Datz's jailbreak! Again, it's mysterious. All we see is the lump under the covers the guard finds and two guys on the street talking about Datz before they get attacked by the rebel hunter. We still think of Datz as some dangerous criminal at large with this scene, building up the mystery more. Also I forgot who Lady Kee'ra was! It was the victim Puhray Zeh'lot.

8. A short scene in the mountains where Maya is all mysterious and unveils to an amazed Phoenix. It's their first meeting in a long long time! Ahlbi and Shah'do are here too. A fun scene where Maya is all mysterious and calls Phoenix "Mr. Wright" and stuff. She's more developed and grown-up and skilled but she's still fun, mischievous Maya!

9. The victim in the noodle case watching TV before someone comes up from behind and... our imaginations are running wild again as the scene ends abruptly! Pretty effective stuff!

10. An episode of the Plumed Punisher where Rayfa is attacked by a demonic Dhurke before the broadcast is interrupted by the real Dhurke hijacking the broadcast to condemn the DC Act and vowing to revolutionise and dethrone the Ga'ran regime. At this point, we know who Datz is and about their hideout and how the Plumed Punisher was just propaganda. Dhurke seems much more heroic now that we know more about the Defiant Dragons. Following this is when he and Apollo meet for the first time in years and we learn more and more about him and their relationship. It's a great thing to introduce the next scene. The Power Rangers-style show is pretty fun, and we get to see the actress with the more grown up figure that was referenced in a later case.

11. Datz fighting off cops in front of the temple and the people coming in a big revolutionary march to help him! A dramatic, inspiring scene and it was good to see Beh'leeb again!

12. Finally, the scene where Apollo is establishing the Justice Law Office in Khura'in with the help of Ahlbi and Datz and they watch Rayfa's parade. Very Mufasa kind of moment with Dhurke smiling and disappearing! It is very sad to see Apollo and his friends parting ways like that but it is so joyful to see Rayfa smiling and being happy. I've never seen her like that. Also looking forward to seeing Apollo meet up with his friends again someday! I wonder what Datz will do now that he's not being a rebel? He's helping with boxes here and he's sure to be a big help to Apollo. I just wonder how his rebellious characteristics will come into play now. He's one of my favourite personalities because of his good-humored nature and thumbs up! Apollo falling off the ladder adds some nice action to the animation too.

Generally the animation is a nice tasty bonus and I appreciate it. The 3D effect is good and I like it most when it's the dialogue words that seem to jump off the scene. The voices are nicely done, though it can be hard to tell everyone apart from just their voices. However, I can tell who everyone is straight away from their signature cries of "Objection!" "Gotcha!" "Got it!" "Such Insolence!" "That's enough!" "Take that!" etc!

The illustration gallery I'll talk about in the next post.

The DLC has fun sounding non canon "what if" scenarios. I really don't know if I'll bother with them. I didn't bother with the ones from the last game.

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