Thursday 11 February 2021

223 ace attorney 6 - nahyuta's proposition

Dear Readers,

After court was adjourned, I gathered with the others in the accused lobby. Athena said way to go! Maya said she was on the edge of her seat when the royal guard stormed the courtroom. They were both fired up and wanted to show them a thing or two!

Phoenix praised me for doing a fine job and I thanked him for all the great advice. He said it was all me and I had perseverance and a never-say-die attitude. He said he learned a thing or two himself from me! He said I overcame the most desperate and hopeless situation he'd ever seen and had nothing but praise for me!

Maya said I finally won Phoenix's seal of approval! She then asked him about her own abilities! He said she also had two major chances for him to become someone for her to channel next! Haha... I couldn't have done any of this without everyone's support; Phoenix, Athena, Nahyuta and Dhurke of course.

We heard a voice behind us, calling me Polly. It was Trucy! Phoenix asked her how she got here and then Edgeworth showed up and said she pulled the old "Let's Stow Away in Mr. Edgeworth's Suitcase" trick!

I asked Trucy if she even had a passport and she changed the subject to her magic panties, saying she could produce one out of them at the drop of a hat! I decided to leave it a mystery.

Princess Rayfa approached us! She still called us Barbed Head and Horn Head, but also said she was forever in our debt for what we had accomplished. She said without our help she may never have changed. I told her she did that all by herself and praised her for it. We just gave her an opportunity. We said her victory was hers and she should be proud of herself. She smiled and seemed to recover quickly.

I asked her about being told about her real parents. She said it was part of her disciplining and Phoenix said it was more like blackmail for her to keep quiet about being the daughter of a criminal. She said her former mother was so insufferable... but she had nothing to fear now that Dhurke was innocent.

I asked what was next for Khura'in? Nahyuta appeared and said Rayfa would ascend to the throne. He said he would act as regent on her behalf until the day she came into her own and could channel spirits. She was pleased and started making an effort to call him "big brother" but couldn't get the words out! She hit me for staring at her and said Queen Amara was going to help her too.

Phoenix asked if Amara was going to be alright and she said the bullet went straight through her without doing any serious damage. Hooray!

Datz then ran up to us with the big grin and two thumbs up! He praised me for beating Dhurke and Nahyuta's charges and getting the revolution going! The legal system was now gonna return to its rightful state like how Dhurke always wanted! He said my name would go down in Khura'inese history!

I turned to Nahuyta and gave him Dhurke's attorney badge. I had to go home to the U.S. and he was going to change Khura'in in Dhurke's place. He then refused my gift and the music stopped. He then said there was something he wanted to show me. It was something he wanted to show all of us.

Nahyuta took us to Dhurke's old law office and told me he wanted me to stay here in Khura'in. He wanted my help in rebuilding Khura'in's law system and reintroducing lawyers back to the court. He wanted me to take over this law office!

I thought about it. Datz even encouraged me, saying Dhurke would've wanted it and let's do it together!

Nahyuta acknowledged I was taken aback by his sudden request and asked me to please give it some thought. I said of course I was honoured but I still had my job at Phoenix's office to think about. Phoenix told me not to worry about it and this was something only I could do. He did admit that the office would be a bit short on firepower without me.

Athena then spoke up and said she was sorry but she couldn't get on board with this. She said there was still so much she wanted to learn from me! Trucy agreed with her and said there was no way she could agree to this because everyone back home would really miss me! They both started looking sad and said it was up to me though.

Nahyuta said he wouldn't question whatever choice I would make. Phoenix said our flight was leaving tomorrow morning and asked if I could make my decision by then. I said I'd try.

I gave it some thought. What was the right thing to do?

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