Saturday 27 February 2021

8 bugs vs. tanks! - rescuing other tanks from a big spider's web

Dear Readers,

The next mission was a rescue mission! To be exact it was about rescuing Lieutenant Kremmel. This was mission level 3-4, Operation: Jerk Rescue.

Colonel Diekmann told us we got an SOS from Kremmel, saying they'd been trapped in a spider web in the branches above us. We had limited intel on spiders, so he advised us to avoid direct combat and prioritise rescuing our comrades.

What followed was a cutscene where a bee got stuck in a huge spider web and got gored by the spider lurking there. We were close by! Joachim suggested using the bug carcasses to stay out of sight so we could rescue the others. Ernst then spotted Kremmel's tank all rolled up in the web. We had to burn through it with our firepower.

Straight away we were next to the spider! It was a slow, clumsy, scary journey trying to navigate without getting killed. The spider was just too big and kept catching up with us. We freed the tank at the centre, whose crew were alive and asked us to rescue the other six tanks in their platoon! We got them all while being chased by the spider. I'm not sure if there was any way of doing this without being hit? In any case, we got them all and found Kremmel, who was freaking out and insulting us. We told him we were happy to find him in good spirits and to follow us back. I got an A rank and 475 points for this mission.

Back at the camp, Kremmel continued kissing butt and making bad observations. Diekmann said a spider wouldn't attack unless it was provoked. There was stuff to consider, but for now it was the end of the level 3 missions.

New bug:

Garden Spider. This was the behemoth we had to avoid. Not sure if it was possible to sneak past it undetected. Big scary legs and fangs.

I also got a medal for clearing all LV 3 missions, the Spider Web Houdini award.

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