Wednesday 10 February 2021

222 ace attorney 6 - the revolutionary "not guilty" ruling

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta told the judge that Ga'ran now believed she was the Holy Mother, even though her channelling attempt appeared to fail. He said she was unable to accept the facts and sighed at the idea of having to question her later.

The judge asked what her motive was for attempting to assassinate Amara. I said maybe she wanted to become queen herself for the power and attention. Nahyuta said she likely developed a complex from her inability to channel spirits. She kept Amara alive to have some access to the power and built a cult of personality upon fear and lies.

I said I couldn't understand why Amara even listened to Ga'ran in the first place. Nahyuta said his mother was a gentle soul by nature and believed Ga'ran when she claimed Dhurke was out to kill her. Amara still loved her sister and didn't wish to tarnish her name. This sounded plausible. Phoenix and I discussed how this allowed Amara to be close to Princess Rayfa in the guise of Nayna.

The judge said this was a case for the ages and cleared Nahyuta of all suspicion for Inga's murder. He also cleared Dhurke of all suspicion on Amara's assassination attempt. He declared Nahyuta and Dhurke Not Guilty!

The Pool of Souls released the pink butterflies which swirled around us before leaving through the skylight. They even swirled around the empty prosecutor's bench. I hoped Dhurke was watching as I proved his innocence, Nahyuta was smiling and the revolution he dreamed of was finally happening. The judge adjourned the court.

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