Tuesday 9 February 2021

221 ace attorney 6 - challenging ga'ran to channel

Dear Readers,

It was time for the dramatic logical path to truth and justice!

What could be the key to dethroning Ga'ran? The Founder's Orb! SMASH!

Inga couldn't have channelled the founder, even with Maya because he didn't know the Founder's name! SMASH!

Why is Ga'ran so obsessed with the orb if she and Amara were the only ones who knew the Founder's name? Because she can't channel spirits!!!! Dramatic SMASH!

If Ga'ran can't channel spirits, she'd have no claim to the throne! SMASH!

No claim to the throne would mean the DC Act would become null and void! Along with all the other insane laws!

After coming to this conclusion, I expressed my outrageous assertion by asking Gar'an if she couldn't actually channel spirits. She, the judge and Nahyuta were shocked! The judge demanded an explanation.

I laid it all out. If she couldn't channel spirits, she wouldn't be able to be queen. I even asked the royal guard what if she didn't actually have any spiritual power? What if she was just a pretender and an ordinary person?

She was outraged and objected. I told her to prove it, presenting the Founder's Orb with a "Take that!" I asked her to channel the Founder since she knew her name! The royal guard got excited at the prospect of witnessing this and started clapping.

She stammered before demanding a lawyer. I objected and said there weren't any left in Khura'in because of her DC Act! After much goading from her royal guard and from me, I made one final dramatic finger point and told her her reign of terror ended here! It was so dramatic her royal guard and she were bowled over!

Then she made a desperate attempt to channel the Founder. She was floundering and didn't even use her name. The royal guard was excited initially but got suspicious and finally they pointed their guns at her! She kept going desperately until her eyes turned white and she fell flat on her back in the Pool of Souls.

Some time later the judge asked Nahyuta how Ga'ran was. Nahyuta said she believed that she herself was the Holy Mother. Hm... Is this over or isn't it?

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