Sunday 7 February 2021

219 ace attorney 6 - nahyuta finally stops being a gosh dang jerk

Dear Readers,

Nahyuta and I had Ga'ran cornered when we determined the hand in the Séance was hers.

Ga'ran smugly said Princess Rayfa's fate was still in her hands and ordered Nahyuta to offer his head. He finally stood up to her and told her he was done heeding her commands. At last!

He finally had his say. He said he believed in Ga'ran even while she had been deceiving him the whole time. He said he could turn his cheek no more and officially retracted his confession in the murder of Inga.

While the gallery chattered I thought to myself, Nahyuta was finally free! 

Nahyuta came to terms with how he had basically been acting like a massive jerk for the entire game until now. He threw off his glove and thanked me for awakening him with my demonstration of our father's creed. He revealed his hand tattoo and posed like Dhurke in the dramatic 3D fashion and said with voiced dialogue "A dragon never yields! Yessssssss!!! At last!

Nahyuta said he would carry on Dhurke's legacy and fulfill his dream, vowing to Ga'ran that he would cast her down from her bloody throne! He said long live the revolution!

Ga'ran was not happy at all. She asked for proof when we accused her of being the culprit of that incident 23 years ago. I struggled but admitted the only thing we had was the photograph Dhurke gave me which in turn gave us the Séance. I then said since Nahyuta retracted his confession, we'd have to redeliberate the current case from scratch. I made our accusation of her official!

The judge asked for proof and Nahyuta said we still had one more avenue. He came up with the question, how did Inga's killer dispose of their disguise? He asked Rayfa about seeing Ga'ran in the courtyard. She said she did, but was told not to mention it because supposedly it had nothing to do with her father's murder. He asked her if Ga'ran had Dhurke's clothes in her possession. She said she didn't. It led to me having to point out where Dhurke's clothes could've been hidden. 

I pointed out the tomb and then the sarcophagus in the tomb. I asserted the killer took his clothes and then returned them when they were finished. Ga'ran objected but I came back with pointing out the bloodstains as proof. I pointed out that the other bloodstain came from Inga when he was murdered.

Ga'ran kept objecting, saying a third party could've been involved other than her. I said this possibility couldn't exist because she said before that she and Inga were the only ones who could open the sarcophagus. She was not happy to find her own words used against her!

I told her to admit being the one who changed the clothes and therefore the one who killed Inga. She snarled about being so disrespected and I told her that was an invalid argument in the sacred hall. I told her no one was above the law, not even monarchs. I told her it was the end of the line for her, that it was time to come down from her lofty throne and face justice!

The music stopped but her seething did not.

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