Saturday 30 July 2022

100 xenoblade - defeating the hoxes on raguel bridge

Dear Readers,

I wasn't confident in dealing with the Black Smoke Hoxes on the bridge so I tried picking them off one by one. This seemed to work, but I wanted to see if I could find Juju first, so I headed back to the refugee camp.

I learned that Gorman and Arda were divorced. We also met Juju! How did we miss him before?

Juju said he was waiting for word from Otharon and not to let Sharla get hurt and to avenge Gadolt and the others for him.

I thought there might've been another timed event but now I know there isn't. I felt better about going to face the hoxes. I even checked Colony 6 in more detail, but it was blocked off for now.

We went back to Raguel Bridge to take care of the Hoxes. When we beat them there were more to deal with. They were White Smoke Hoxes this time. We carried out the same strategy of luring them one by one and picking them off individually.

I learned the Battle Soul Art, which halves my HP and fills the talent gauge. Sounds extreme... maybe for emergencies.

We beat all the Hoxes, so now we had to head back to Juju. He thanked us and then asked if we should leave the refugee camp now or go in a little while. He said going back to Colony 6 would solve all the problems they had here, so I assume he meant all the time based missions that were based here. As far as I can tell, we've done all the missions here so I checked and said let's go now.

In the very next scene we found ourselves... in Colony 6! Woo! New missions and the grand restoration project were ahead!

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