Monday 4 July 2022

74 xenoblade - entering colony 6's underground mine

Dear Readers,

We headed into the Colony 6 area and towards an elevator we took down to the Splintered Path. We followed this path that was a cool landbridge over a big bottomless gap away from the cliff. We found some Wind Ether Crystal and mined some.

We saw many Antols, Hoxes and a cool gaseous enemy called a Graceful Holand. It was like the blue aqua ones from earlier but this was golden. This was during the night. We eventually arrived at the Drainage Outlet.

We went inside and found ourselves in the Drainage Tunnel of the Ether mine. I checked the map and found this place had 5 floors and we were at the top! I was surprised as we were deep underneath Colony 6 as it was.

This tunnel was narrow and made up of metal walkways and staircases. We saw a slow moving bat called a Drunk Vang, which was amusing. We came across a cabin housing two Nopon Merchants. We had a chat with them.

They said this mine was very complicated and easy to get lost in. The one on the right said to follow glowmoss on the wall as a guide. That's all they had to say but they were happy to reinforce the point as it was important. The one on the left was just a merchant. Again I've never bought or sold anything yet. Maybe I should. Haven't felt the need yet though.

This cabin was the Drainage Control Room and the path continued out the other side. We heard a Mechon so we stayed still for a moment. Sharla was dismayed at the mine being taken over but I gave her some encouragement.

The music was pretty good here and captured the feeling of exploring a hostile cave very well.

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