Tuesday 19 July 2022

89 xenoblade - resting at the big glowing obelisk

Dear Readers,

We reached a big Glowing Obelisk and stayed to rest for the night. Dickson said the High Entia had something to do with these. I wasn't able to sleep and was troubled by the visions of everything, of what happened to Fiora, of what was yet to come. Dickson came by and talked to me. He said it was like yesterday he found me with the Monado and apologised for not being able to save my parents. He also said he was thinking the sword and myself were destined for some kind of higher purpose. I told him I was very interested in this, in finding a way to defeat the Mechon.

The next day we continued the journey. This area was taking on a new shape now. The wind was starting to sound like breathing... a very large being breathing. Possibly the Bionis.

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