Wednesday 20 July 2022

90 xenoblade - saving kacha the nopon

 Dear Readers,

I decided to do the quest to save Kacha the Nopon from Exile Fortress, which just happened to be to the southwest of here. The front indeed seemed to be troublesome with lots of big enemies, including the huge Rhogul that killed us earlier.

We explored the perimeter of the fortress and found the rear entrance at the end of a path along a ledge going around the place. The key was the glowing item below on another ledge. I tried exploring more but found many Ignas lined up like guards.

I thought, to heck with it and just went back to the rear entrance and dropped down to pick up the key, then warp to the Glowing Obelisk and come back to open the door.

We went inside the fortress and immediately found Kacha. This was a big throne room with Ignas all standing around a leader Ignas. She said she already told the secret to the Ignas but she was happy to go back to the Nopon camp now that we rescued her.

Bokoko then wanted us to find materials for their camp. He was feeling old and ill and asked for our help to gather stuff for bedding. We agreed to find 4 glowing upa seeds from upas, 3 fancy volff hides from volff, 4 feather leaves, and 3 wool rocks for him.

Kacha had a quest for us. We really had to press her for details though. The ignas made her tell them where to find the key in the Dark Swamp to the giants' treasure in the Exile Fortress. She wanted us to follow them to the Dark Swamp and defeat 5 of those deluded ignas. We agreed.

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