Saturday 9 July 2022

79 xenoblade - xord seems invincible

Dear Readers,

We rode the elevator all the way down to the bottom of the Central Pit. We didn't see anyone down here but we found traces of blood.

Metal Face appeared! He taunted us and waved a big hammer, joined by smaller cohorts. Sharla demanded to know where Juju and the others were. Metal Face introduced himself as Xord and showed Juju held inside a prism thing, still alive but taken prisoner. He then said he ate everyone else.

Sharla fell to her knees in despair. I tried attacking Xord but the Monado didn't effect him. He was LV25 and he was going to be a tough fight. We were LV27.

Otharon watched us from a ledge nearby, seeing all this play out in front of him.

The fight began. I got a tutorial about enemies resistant to Break, how it can work during chain attacks. It encouraged using an Art's bonus effects and using the timed "b" burst affinity in order to fill up the party gauge.

We got into battle and lost. We just couldn't put any damage on Xord and I couldn't fill the party gauge during the battle like the tutorial suggested. I tried again a number of times but I couldn't do anything to him. It looks like we'll have to come back more prepared.

As a matter of interest, I loaded up my older save file from 12 years ago. We were in the mine but at the start of it! I've officially progressed further than that point! I'm pretty glad to make progress, even though I'm stuck on this boss!

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