Thursday 21 July 2022

91 xenoblade - exploring the poison swamp, reaching lv30

Dear Readers,

We wandered around the swamp, filling in the map and beating up baddies for materials. We found the Zaldania Waterfall and tried to get to the heart-to-heart, but a big gang of quadwings kept beating us up. We couldn't handle all of them at once.

We explored other parts. We got a White Brog Liver, which made me have a vision of Sharla talking about collecting three of them for someone.

We toured the Poison Swamp, hazardous to wade around in. There were poison brogs on small islands around here. We had to lure them to bigger safer islands so we could fight them.

We found another area called the Altar of Fate which had a red rainbow item thingy here. It was on a mound and it seemed like a significant area. Nearby was a very big enemy called a Satori Torta, kind of like the Torta we saw earlier. It was LV85.

After all our exploring we got to LV30, so that's a bit of progress.

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