Saturday 2 July 2022

72 xenoblade - batubatu's extremely dangerous quest

Dear Readers,

We returned to Raguel Lake to find Batubatu. We found him in the northwest part of the area. I'm thankful for the "!" indicator on the minimap because those Nopons are tiny.

Batubatu was exploring in a carefree way on his own. With his glasses and hat he looked like one of Captain Toad's teammates. We told him about Gerugu being worried about him and he returned. We did too and Gerugu was happy. He was also thinking about his daughter who was missing him.

Batubatu then had a quest for us. He wanted to make a Nopon secret present which involved getting a Tokilos Egg and a Pandora Mushroom. We agreed to the quest. He suggested getting the egg in Tokilos nest near Zax Guidepost and the mushroom in Windy Cave.

He was referring to those huge birds I saw near the outpost earlier that were LV79! Yikes!

We climbed down towards them while wondering how to get their eggs. Suddenly it was nighttime and they disappeared! Just in time! We were able to take the egg without any trouble!

We continued exploring this treacherous cliff ledge area. We found a wind ether deposit and a path we didn't notice earlier going back up to the guidepost.

We continued exploring east along the cliffside and found some strong Tirkins. We kept going and discovered Crevasse Waterfall and Windy Cave! That was a nice surprise!

What wasn't nice were all the really strong enemies here. One was a bird that knocked me out before I even saw it but I got a chance to get up and run away. There were Arachnos and Caterples that were of a very high level too.

We found some regular Tirkins hanging out in a cave that had electric ether deposits. We mined and they didn't seem to mind so we paid them no mind!

We continued through the Windy Cave and met Vamps that were over LV70 and got chased by a few Arachnos as well. 

We found the mushroom in passage that was chock full of enormous spider pods and there was one very high levelled spider just sitting around where the mushroom was! We snuck in, grabbed it and ran like heck out the other side of the passage before it could catch us! We had no real business with these spiders!

We returned to Batubatu and learned he was making the gift for us! It was hard to tell because of the way the Nopons speak and their use of the third person.

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