Tuesday 26 July 2022

96 xenoblade - beating up the dark murakmor

Dear Readers,

Not only were we solving old quests in Colony 9, but we were finding new ones as well.

One old quest we had related to the Dark Murakmor that rested on Anti-Air Battery 3 at night. It was LV18 so we decided to try again to defeat it. We were LV31 at this stage so it took next to no time at all!

We went to Sesame at the meeting place and he was happy we defeated that thing. He then told us to check the street lights at the entrance to the commercial district but didn't tell us what for?

We went to the street light and there was a message saying it was for nothing. The next part of the mission came up as stopping Sesame's devious plan, whatever it was.

We returned to him and he told us to look up at the sky. Three fireworks went off.

He said everyone was gloomy so they decided to do something nice. Betty's husband provided gunpowder, Kenny Rohan designed the fireworks and he provided everyone with a good festive time as a result. He then gave us a real reward. Yay!

That was funny, like he was some kind of villain or something but turned out good in the end. He and his group were delighted to make people happy and do something for the good of the Colony, even if they didn't have the best reputation. They particularly liked seeing Giorgio's expression as he looked at the fireworks.

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