Sunday 17 July 2022

87 xenoblade - satori nopon quests

Dear Readers,

It was time to mingle with the Nopon merchants in Satori Marsh.

Bokoko needed help. He said someone named Ignas took his friend Kacha and was going to eat her if no one saved her. He said Kacha was knowledgeable about legends in this area and said she was taken to Exile Fortress. We agreed to save her. He thanked us and advised us to use the back door if we could find a key for it. He himself was a veteran Nopon merchant. He then told us he saw Ignas put the key next to the tree near the back door.

The Nopon merchant next to him said this place was always foggy and advised us not to wander around at night. He said Detox Brogs nearly gobbled him up once. We agreed to kill 2 of them for him. He also had a quest to defeat 3 Coppice Quadwings and 2 Mist Rhoguls in Barren Moor during the day, and finally 1 Officer Volff. We agreed to kill all of them for him. He also told us about Sororal Statues, about the Khatori one on the right and the Soltnar one on the left. He also told us about this place's connection with High Entia with its many ruins.

There was a shopkeeper as well. That was it for the camp. I had to fight the enemies again for these quests. Detox Brogs were nearby so I got them ok.

I started seeing enemies over LV80 so I decided to make it daytime.

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