Thursday 28 July 2022

98 xenoblade - recovering daza's coin

Dear Readers,

We continued exploring on the Bionis Leg area but couldn't find any heart-to-hearts we could do, so we continued to Colony 6.

We took the regular route this time instead of going through the mines.

We met some Nopon near the entrance of Colony 6. The one named Daza had a quest for us. Some hoxes stole his proof of Nopon Merchant status because it was shiny. We agreed to recover his Nopon Coin in the splintered path area.

The hoxes on the splintered path were very easy and quick to defeat now that we had gotten stronger. They didn't drop the coin either as it was tucked away at a dead end near some of them. Daza was extremely happy to get his coin back.

Daza had another quest for us. He wanted us to defeat monsters so his coin wouldn't get stolen again. We agreed to defeat 4 yellow antols, 6 soft hoxes and 3 water upas(during rain or thunderstorm).

It wasn't raining so we could only do the antols and hoxes. We looked around for more heart-to-hearts but couldn't do any more.

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