Tuesday 5 July 2022

75 xenoblade - fighting mechon with otharon

Dear Readers,

We headed through the mine and followed the glow on the walls. We saw some small Mechon and some Krabbles, one of which was a shiny materia kind. The areas had names like "Test Pit 1". We arrived at the next story marker.

Sharla heard an ether rifle go off and rushed towards it, thinking it was a sign of Gadolt. We caught up to her in a room where there was a fight between Mechon and Otharon.

This fight seemed threatening and drained a lot of health. I tried to be as coordinated as I could and we managed to beat all the Mechon attacking us.

After the fight, Otharon was surprised to see Sharla. She asked about Gadolt and he hesitated before telling us we should come with him as we had a lot to discuss.

We told him Juju was captured. He told us Gadolt was gone. He said he and Gadolt planned a surprised attack to free the Homs but it failed miserably, making him lose consciousness. When he woke, Gadolt was gone but his ether rifle remained. He had a very strong belief that Gadolt was alive though. Sharla was emotional but hopeful.

Otharon told us to go with him to the Central Pit, where the Homs were being held captive.

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