Wednesday 6 July 2022

76 xenoblade - getting into tough fights in the colony 6 mine

Dear Readers,

Otharon pushed ahead with us to where the Homs were captured. I hesitated because I got a vision of him falling into an Ether River yelling "Gadolt, Juju, this is for you!" but what did it mean? I wasn't open to sharing this troubling vision, seeing how it meant people were going to die. Or did it? What did it mean exactly?

With hesitation I shared my concerns and Otharon called me insolent, telling me he studied the Mechon for ages.

We continued, coming across some more Heart-to-Hearts we couldn't do yet. One involved Sharla and me, but our affinity needed to be higher.

We continued through the maze caves, getting into a fight with an enemy that didn't seem like much, but it was a level slightly below par with us. It was a tough fight and I was getting visions of me getting my butt kicked, so things were definitely getting tougher! We managed to defeat it, but I'm sorry to say I don't remember its name. It might come up in a quest later.

We came across the Storage Depot Gate but it was closed. We had to open it with a switch found at the end of Test Pit 4.

Then we got into a fight with a Dark Kisling and its gang and got our butts kicked.

We respawned at the point where we met Otharon. I decided not to run past enemies without fighting them anymore. The Drunk Vang was easy to beat.

We wandered through the caves, beating baddies and mining ether, taking a different approach. It was hard to target them with all of us on top of each other in this dark cave. We beat them handily enough though. We found an opening to an Observation point, so I was glad to see a new area.

I collected an item at the end of a ledge when I got another vision. It was of Sharla coming across something called the third love crane or something? She said it should make Pepa happy. What I collected was the first one. I wasn't at all sure what she meant but she seemed to be standing at the gap in the path. We went to the gap and there was nothing there... Unless it was a different gap. I just don't have my bearings yet.

In this observation point area we found the switch that opened the big door so yay! Some progress!

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