Tuesday 12 July 2022

82 xenoblade - changing otharon's future

Dear Readers,

After the battle condition with Xord was met, we triggered the next cutscene. It was a very dramatic one where Otharon drove Xord into the ether with a mech, just like in my vision. Juju was released as well and Sharla rushed to his aid.

I wondered if I could change the future somehow. I spotted a vehicle on the edge of the area with a grabby arm thing and ran over to commandeer it. I used it to grab Otharon's mech just in the nick of time. He had already dedicated his last moment to Gadolt and was sacrificing himself to push Xord into the ether.

Xord desperately tried to strike back and cling onto anything. Otharon shot him with Gadolt's rifle and once again went for broke. This time Reyn grabbed his arm, saving him in the nick of time. Xord plunged into the ether, screaming.

Afterwards, Otharon acknowledged my ability to see the future, telling me he stood corrected. He wasn't calling me insolent anymore! He asked about Gadolt and I didn't have anything to say, bowing my head. 

Otharon gave Sharla Gadolt's rifle. It was the first time I went into the menu to equip something in the game!

Sharla said we could take the freight elevator out of here now. We had to head back to camp with Juju so he could recover.

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