Wednesday 27 July 2022

97 xenoblade - gentle rodriguez still too strong for us

Dear Readers,

Another old quest involved Agora Shore. The Gentle Rodriguez was LV40 and surrounding enemies were in their 30s, so we were still a good 10 levels too early for this place. We shied away.

We found the Heart-to-heart here was for Sharla and Reyn, but their affinities weren't high enough yet.

We looked at other Heart-to-heart points in Colony 9 as well as Tephra Cave, but we still couldn't access them with our characters. We moved on to Gaur Plains and found one for Dunban and Sharla at Rho Oasis, but they needed really high affinity. Found another for Reyn and Dunban at the refugee camp, but again, affinity not high enough yet.

The pink Nopon was very happy to see Juju again and said she loved him so much she wanted to marry him. Aw...

More exploring later!

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