Monday 11 July 2022

81 xenoblade - finally getting past xord!

Dear Readers,

I tried again and again to take on Xord but we kept getting killed. In desperation I looked up how to kill him on YouTube and got a video from GameZone that showed all I needed to do was to break and topple him during the chain attack and he'll get so mad that he just gives up after we do a certain amount of damage!

After watching the video, it still took me many tries to get anywhere near a chain attack. I was losing my patience and getting frustrated with the chaos of battle. Everyone talking over each other and baddies clumping together so much I can't even see what's going on or what I'm targeting. It takes a steady menu-selecting hand to get going with the options we needed to beat the thing. We ended up doing two chain attacks to get enough damage going to trigger the next scene.

It felt satisfying to proceed but at the same time I felt dependent on luck to even survive this long. That part didn't feel so satisfying and made me think I was doing everything wrong. I won't question it. I'll just go ahead for now.

The video was very helpful though. At least now I know I only had to get a little bit of Xord's health down!

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