Thursday 14 July 2022

84 xenoblade - dunban and dickson show up to help

Dear Readers,

We got out of the mine and Juju came to, apologising to all of us for running off and getting in trouble. We forgave him of course. Sharla embraced him into her chest. All was well.

That was until a whole group of masked Mechon showed up! They gloated about the moment they got Fiora with their claws. In a rage I rushed in to attack but they mocked me, saying the Monado had no effect on them.

Just then, Dunban and Dickson made a dramatic entrance and joined the battle. I got a little tutorial about switching characters but I didn't really need to, as we fought off a bunch of the smaller Mechon on our own.

The next scene played with Dunban and Dickson attacking the big clawed one in a dramatic way but they didn't have any effect. It charged up a big blue light in order to finish us off, but in the nick of time something swooped from the sky and blocked it. The clawed one recognised who it was and said a name that was unfamiliar to us. I don't remember what it said, sorry. At that point it decided to retreat and told us we were lucky.

I did get one last swing in and got a big vision of a lot of weird stuff with characters I haven't met yet. Dunban told us to fall back for now. Probably for the best.

Meanwhile, the winged figure in the skies that saved our bacon had a person with it, briefly mentioning "the boy". The plot thickens.

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