Sunday 3 July 2022

73 xenoblade - batubatu's flower quest

Dear Readers,

Batubatu went missing again! Gerugu said he ran off by himself to get a flower to thank us for what we did earlier. Gerugu was now worried so we accepted the quest to go find Batubatu again.

Gerugu said Batubatu went to a high place at the top of a waterfall east of Zax Guidepost.

We found Batubatu on the path we took earlier when we found Believer's Paradise. He asked us to go get the flower for him because of all the baddies in the way.

With this, the Ether Wisdom flower appeared in Believer's Paradise and after we collected it, Batubatu went back to Gerugu.

The Tirkins were no threat to us but the huge bird that attacked us at Windy Cave was flying around the bridge above it. If I knew Batubatu went back I would've just fast travelled and saved a bit of grief.

Sometimes in this area with the narrow bridges, other party members fall off. It can be amusing to see their icon recovering HP.

Batubatu was delighted with the flower and gave us another present for helping him. He realised he was unreliable and promised never to wander off by himself without telling anyone again. Hooray!

His quests were a good way to discover new areas around here. Funny how the second one wasn't as dangerous as the first.

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