Monday 25 July 2022

95 xenoblade - returning to colony 9 to do old quests!

Dear Readers,

At the Sororal Statues there was a trial. At this point I wanted to go over everything in the game so far with regards to missions. I decided to head all the way back to Colony 9!

It took a small while because we had to go to the beginning of each area's map to reach maps of preceding areas.

Back in Colony 9 we caught up with Paola. She noticed the affinity between Reyn and myself had increased. However, she added another condition to the quest. She didn't think girls could be besties like us and asked us to prove they could by raising affinity between two female party members. We only had one so we'll have to come back again later.

The Gem Man had a quest for us! He wanted us to find an Ultra Small Reactor so he could make a mobile furnace. It's to be found in Colony 6. We agreed to find one for him. The condition said to reconstruct Colony 6 to level 1, which is interesting.

The general vibe at the commercial district was that they were in shock over what happened in Colony 6.

Giorgio had a quest for us. He wanted us to spend some time with Paola for him. She asked us to beat a Fiendish Bunnit for her so she could show her dad she was a good daughter. Aw... We agreed.

I still had to get a small scale. I looked up in past blog posts how to get one and I wrote about it a long time ago! Glad I had that to fall back on! All we had to do was defeat any old piranhax to get one and we defeated one really fast! I never bothered with them much until now.

We found The Fiendish Bunnit easily enough at Cliff Lake. Didn't take a second to defeat either. Paola was happy and so was Giorgio. He wanted to spend more time with her.

I noticed some enemies here were still stronger than us. We've got a bit to go yet!

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