Monday 2 March 2020

133 undertale - the annoying amalgamate

Dear Readers,

I left the VHS tape room and headed west.

Before I left the room with the huge skull thing I looked at the monitor and it said that it was a DT EXTRACTION MACHINE and that it was inactive. DT must mean determination...

The room to the west was far too dark to see anything. I heard a monitor come on but I couldn't read it. I decided to go east instead.

The room to the east was quite dark and foggy but still had visibility. It also had these white particles floating around in the air. There were loads of fans here as well.

The eleventh entry was here. Alphys wrote that now Mettaton had made it big, he never talked to her anymore, except to ask when she was gonna finish his body. She was afraid though that if she finished his body, he wouldn't need her anymore and then they'd never be friends ever again. Also, whenever she tried to work on the body, she just got really sweaty.

Aw... they were good friends and now the thing called fame was coming between them.

I walked across the room, in front of the fans, to the switch at the end of the room. I pressed it and suddenly, the particles all gathered into a smiley face before morphing into a huge monstrous thing with several legs! It creeped towards me and attacked!

This was the Amalgamate. It looked like it had dog ears but it had a hole for a face. It also looked like it either had six white legs, or it had the silhouettes of five cats, depending on how you looked at it.

There was no battle music, just this creepy echoey loud noise of machinery, possibly the fans I just switched on. I tried checking and it seemed to be made up of several dogs. The thing attacked by showing a dog with no face, then opening a black hole and spitting bullets at me. I tried to Pet but it was too far away. The next attack was the dog having a rocket thruster and following me around the screen.

I tried Beckon and it came close to me, opening and closing its black hole mouth. It was looking for affection. I tried Pet again and it shook wildly! Then it started going all over the place, striking the wall with its claws.

I tried Play and threw my weapon a few times for it to bring it back to me. It got tired and laid its head on my lap, but still wasn't satisfied! I tried Ignore but it seemed to be everywhere I looked.

I tried Pet another couple of times and it got more excited until it stopped and became contented. The five cat silhouettes wore cat smiles :3 and the music became the happy doggy battle music. They looked nothing like dog silhouettes!

Finally I was able to spare it and it disappeared. Very creepy indeed but turned out to be more bark than bite :)

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