Wednesday 11 March 2020

142 undertale - comforting asriel

Dear Readers,

After Asriel shattered the barrier, he told me he had to go. Without the power of everyone's souls, he wasn't able to keep maintaining this form. Aw...

He said in a little while, he would turn back into a flower. He would stop being himself and being able to feel love again. He said it would be best if I just forgot about him. He told me to just go be with the people who loved me.

I had the option to Comfort him or not. I chose to comfort him. I walked up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. I rubbed his shoulder. It was all very sweet :)

He said he didn't want to let go. But we eventually had to.

He said I was going to do a great job, no matter what I did! Everyone would be there for me!

He then said his time was running out so he said goodbye.

He started walking away when he turned back to me and said to take care of his mom and dad for him. Then he continued walking away and the screen turned white.

Goodbye, Asriel. Nice to finally meet you. Too bad about the Flowey thing...

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